
Showing posts from November 15, 2009

50 Customized Thank You Cards - Winner

The winner of the 50 Customized Thank You cards from Digital Room is........... Jayfr picked the winner! You have 48 hours to respond. Congrats on the win!!! Jayfr said... I do make it a point to send thank you notes. I feel it is important to show gratitude, and I teach my kids to do the same.

Aloha Friday #10

It is Friday! We know what that means... As Kailani says: "In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, Iā€™ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response. If youā€™d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link below. Donā€™t forget to visit the other participants! Itā€™s a great way to make new bloggy friends!" My ALOHA.... You know that baby toys can be pretty expensive, depending on what you get them... And you hear about at Christmas how they end up playing with the boxes and the wrapping paper more than the toy you bought... So, my question to you is: What is the "cheapest toy" your baby liked? With Broxton, I finished drinking a bottle of water and he heard the sound the plastic made... He was amazed by it! I ended up putting it on the ground and he STILL plays w...

Bummas - Review and Giveaway

***************** This contest has ended*************** Have you heard of Bummas ? Let me tell you... When you have a boy... Be prepared for surprise attacks! You can ask my aunt... She was changing Broxton and all of a sudden you heard LK shriek! Out she runs, laughing! My Aunt came out, well... pretty wet! Come to find out, Broxton got her! ALL OVER THE WALL, my aunt, himself... To bad we did not have Bummas to the rescue! Bummas are these really cute little cloths. You can use one to cover the private area while you are changing the diaper. After you change him, the bum is wet from the diaper wipe, So, you use the Bummas to dry the bum! I love their slogan... After the wipe and before the dipe , A soft kiss of cloth to dry bums off. Keep diaper rash at bay, the Bummas way. How cute is that? I love the packaging, it is cute, it comes all rolled up, the presentation is adorable... BUT, it is paper, so I know it will not last forever... Me...

Bath Luve - Winner

The winner of the Bath Luve was chosen with This contest had 65 entries! How crazy is it that Random picked... Comment Number 1 Mami2jcn said... I'd like to win one for myself so that I can use it to bathe my baby girl. mami2jcn at gmail dot com OCTOBER 30, 2009 9:03 PM You have been emailed and have 48 hours to respond! Thanks to all who entered. please check out my other giveaways!

50 FREE Holiday Photo Cards

I just wanted to share a great deal with you. If you visit Freebies 4 Mom, you can get 50 totally FREE Holiday Cards. It says that the coupon is valid until November 30 th ... but I would go ahead and order them NOW. The coupon keeps changing and I would hate for you to miss it! You can check it out and get 50 FREE 4x8 photo cards! See Here has teamed up with Freebies 4 Mom to offer this great deal! I had problems in the beginning, they were so BUSY that the server must have gone down... Then, they changed it to have the code expire on Nov. 21st... BUT, the code is once again until Nov. 30 th . Go ahead and order some... Who turns down FREE Cards? NOT ME!!!!!!!! Okay, now that you ordered them, do not forget to add me to your card list! Email me if you need my current address! :)

Baby Sitters Club - Remember?

Not sure about you... But I used to LOVE the Baby Sitters Club. I am not sure, but I think that might be what continued my love of reading. I do remember that I had to write a report for school. I wanted to go above and beyond, so I actually sent Ann M. Martin a letter... Imagine my surprise when I got a letter back from her? She took the time to send me a response! She even included a picture/postcard of herself! I bet I turned it in and hoped for extra -credit! I wonder if I got any extra points?! Hmmmmmmm .... I do know that because of her taking that extra time to acknowledge me... I STILL have ALL of my baby sitters club books. I think I am going to have to dig them out at some point and see if I am missing any. If I am, I need to google and buy the ones I need! Maybe I can find that letter and picture! I need better organization! Do you have an author that was a favorite as a child?! Did you read the Baby Sitters Club?

18x24" Poster Print - Giveaway

Who doesn't just LOVE the pictures they take? I know I do! There are several of mine that I said I would love to have blown up to hang in the house. I am just having a hard time deciding which one I would like to use. Do I get a nice one of the boys in front of the tree? Talk about a great picture for over the couch! LargeFormatPosters has several different options to help you! You can choose to print one photo for your home... Or, you can use the company to purchase larger quantities. You can go and spend various amounts of money to buy art for your place, or you can use your own photos! Now, thanks to, I can have my very own hanging up. Just think, when people come to visit and admire your photo, you can proudly tell them that it is an original! How cool would that be?! So, now that your creativity is flowing... Don't you want to know what you can win?! You have the chance of winning: 18 x 24" Poster Print Pape...

LikeWear - Review

I am not sure about you, but sometimes I feel as if it is hard to get cute outfits for kids that they actually LIKE to wear. I may have found the answer!!! I was sent a very cute sweatshirt from LIKEWEAR for my cousin to try! It was a pink sweatshirt that said LOVE with Tootsie Rolls in it! It was so funny... LK came over... and when I handed it to her, she was like, "Oh, I LIKE tootsie - rolls!" I laughed and told her to check it out... She immediately put it on and we started talking about how soft it was! The outside alone makes you want to snuggle with her! Then, you feel the inside and you wish it was for you! The only drawback that LK said was that she wished the shirt was a bit thicker. I am not so sure about that, myself. It seemed rather thick to me... I mean, it is a sweatshirt! I am not really sure about it being any thicker than what it was... After her comment, I told myself that I need to go and check out the thickness of other s...

Reduced Price? OR NOT?!

You know how you go to the store and they have those little signs that stick out? "REDUCED PRICE!" or "SALE PRICE" Have you ever looked underneath it? I have... I want to know just how much I am saving... Okay, you might think I am weird, but still, I want to know... Well, let me just tell you... Half of the time, the "original" price is THE EXACT SAME! That just gets me going... Oh, that is a great deal! I will save so much money! Take today for example.. I went to the store... I went for one item, it was on sale... Sale ends on November 25 th . Of course, my luck.. SOLD OUT! I went and asked for a rain check then. The guy looked and said that it was not on sale, that was the original price. I said thanks and left. BUT When I got to the car, I got a bit perturbed. If it was not on sale, then why was there a BIG GREEN sign sticking out that said... SALE PRICE VALID UNTIL NOVEMBER 25? Why? Why? Why?