Lyle, Lyle Crocodile #Review
We love movie night around here and we love singing... So when the chance to review Lyle, Lyle Crocodile came our way, we were excited to get a chance to watch it. I will be honest, I had not heard of it, but Savannah had and was so thrilled that we had it headed our way. BUT - when the movie arrived, it was right here around the holidays and life gets hectic then, as we all know... So between everything we had going on here and then them going to visit their dad, it was hard to find the time to watch it... We did try it, but it was getting late, so we had to turn it off and not finish it. Now that the holidays are behind us, we decided to give it another go - we really enjoyed what we saw when we were watching it the first time, but like I said.. TIME was not on our side... FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product...