
Showing posts from January 1, 2012

Farm Rich keeps it easy - @FarmRichSnacks Review

As kids head back to school after a nice winter break, lets keep a few snacking tips available for when mom (or dad) needs just a few minutes to spare. Here are a few back to school snacking tips,  shared from Farm Rich: Ā·              Start the Week  Off  Right .  For Bethanne Latkso of Worchester, Mass., organization is the key.  ā€œI have two kids, a busy husband, and Iā€™m designing my own jewelry line, so I donā€™t have time for frequent trips to the grocery store. Instead, every Saturday, I map out the weekā€™s activities and plan our meals and snacks around that.ā€  Latkso says in addition to saving time during the week, planning also helps eliminate poor food choices.  ā€œBecause Iā€™m eliminating impulse buying, I make better food choices ā€“ everything from buying more fresh fruits and vegetables, to buying better snacks for my kids.ā€ Ā·        ...

Time for a Hug - Book Review

National Hug Day is January 21st. Did you know that? To kick off the celebration of such a fun day, I get to share a wonderful new book with you... Time for a Hug is by Phillis Gershator and Mim Green. We received it for review and I love it... Love the colors, love the rhymes, love the message. I am a hugger.   I absolutely LOVE hugs.  Do you? When I first moved to Atlanta, I noticed just how much a hug could change your day.... It was weird, I did not have anyone to hug, so it was a bit sad... Over time, I made great friends and even now, whenever we see each other, we hug hello and we hug goodbye. Broxton does the same thing! Marc and I love hugging him and we are constantly giving hugs (and stealing them) throughout the day! With Time for a Hug, I see that we are not the only one! This book starts with Little Bunny waking up and starting the day at 8. Each and every hour... It is TIME FOR A HUG!!!! Throughout the day, they do several different things... Bo...

Pine Bros Throat Drops - Review

With the weather FINALLY getting cold around here... Well, at least for the day... I am prepared and ready! We have medicine in the cabinet... (Although I do need to buy more juice.) We have new throat drops too. Please tell me that you have seen the Pine Bros commercial... You know it has that guy in it... Rudy the celebrity. He looks a bit like Elvis, with the hair / sideburns and glasses... but that patch of hair on his chest... wow... probably has his own name. Anyways, I hate to say it... But I had never heard of Pine Bros until the Pine Bros commercial caught my attention... Then, I was asked if I would be interested in trying them out. Well, since we use throat drops throughout the year, I figured it would be nice to try something different. Different they were... They are "softish". I knew they would be, as they say so on their site.. But, I really wasn't sure what to expect. They are not hard like other drops... but they are not chewy/gummy like...

Kicking it "old school" with @QuagmireGolf

When I was growing up, there was the coolest line of shirts that I had ever seen.. They changed color with heat!!!! Do you remember them?  You would touch your shirt and your hand-print would be left there! It was so cool.... Well, how about they are back!!!! Broxton received the coolest shirt for review! Have you heard of Quagmire Styles? I was so excited when it came! Let me explain... The delivery guy comes with a package... We were chatting, so I went ahead and opened it up. It was the Color Fusion shirt!!!! The two of us were like "How COOL?!  They brought this back!!!" Now, when I was younger, it was just a t-shirt... Now... WOW!!! T-shirts, collard shirts, shorts, hats! They are really expanding!!! Marc and I put our hands on there... I pressed down hard, Marc just barely had his on there...  Notice how that determines the amount of the color change! You just place your hand on the article of clothing and your body heat changes t...

Disney introduces a little girl princess....

This was a press release I received.  I think it sounds super cute and although I do not have a little girl, I still plan on watching to see this!   ---------------------- DISNEY TO INTRODUCE A LITTLE GIRL PRINCESS, "SOFIA THE FIRST," IN ANIMATED SERIES AND MOVIE ON DISNEY CHANNEL AND DISNEY JUNIOR TV Movie Premieres in 2012; Series Launches in 2013 with Ariel Winter, Sara Ramirez, Wayne Brady and Tim Gunn among Voice Cast Disney will introduce a little girl princess to its celebrated legacy of princess fairytales in an animated television movie and series, "Sofia the First," premiering in fall 2012 and spring 2013 respectively, on Disney Channel and Disney Junior channels around the world.  While Disney princess fairytales have been enchanting audiences for more than 70 years, this is the first time a series has centered around a princess as a little girl.  The stories are designed to communicate positive messages and life lessons that are app...

Starting off on a Clean Note... @Purex #giveaway

Okay, so every day in our house it is just the three of us... Marc, Broxton and Myself. Throughout the year, we get the boys and our crazy house of three turns into a chaotic house of six. Talk about a jump!  Well, we are all about saving money, but not at the risk of quality.   Know what I mean? We have tried several detergents and some I have liked, others not so much.  Some were great, but just not economical. A bit ago, I grabbed a bottle of Purex. It was VERY affordable, so I wanted to check it out. I loved the price... and the end results! The clothes came out clean and smelling fresh.   We don't always use a liquid fabric softener, but we do from time to time... When I saw that Purex fabric softener was just as affordable as their detergent, I was a happy mommy. We go through tons of laundry, just the three of us. Marc wears about a million articles of clothing during the winter.  When he was taught to dress in layers, he PASSED with f...

Hey there, my friends!

Hey all! Hope you had an amazing holiday! We were busy and I am still trying to get caught up and organized from the past few weeks! Between trying to visit family in very short amounts of time, trying to visit with Marc as much as possible when he wasn't at work...  Trying to keep 4 boys occupied.... Well, you know how it goes! I am starting back tomorrow on reviews, giveaways, meme's and more.. But... Until then... I just wanted to say: Here is to a wonderful new year. Make lots of memories. Enjoy your family and friends. Make new friendships.  Rekindle the old ones. Never take a moment for granted. Take lots and lots of photos. Love. Love yourself. Love the ones around you.  Love the ones you miss... But just keep on LOVING.

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!!!!

Let us get this year off started right.   Here is a list of the winners from the past couple of months. All winners have been notified, but I always (eventually) post the winners in case anyone is interested in seeing who won what...  So... Here is to a great new year!!!!  Don't forget, if you have won...  Feel free to grab this button (code on side bar) and let everyone know!!!! Perfect Meatloaf Pan: Angela Veggie Tales: Megan Nalgene: Aileen Megan Tagsmania : karenmed409 Easy Entertaining Book: Anonymous said... felecia Plow and Hearth Photo Frame Table: Linda Meyers-Gabbard aka Ladyblueeyez1960 Cowboy Food Cookbook: Anonymous said... nannypanpan Covert Affairs JetSetter Prize Pack: nicole / Twitter: BTHM1 Uncommon Goods: alissa4illustration Funky Monkey: ann   Bronners : karenmed409   Energizer: Anonymous said...       nannypanpan Neat-Oh: Megan   Art...