
Showing posts from September 8, 2019

Do you know #JoJoSiwa ? #review

Savannah is only 4, but she is 100% her own little self.  She used to let me put her hair in ponytails and braids, but lately she says "I just need to be me!"  and will only let her hair be straight down.  I admit, I love the ponytails and braids... and as her mom, I could "make" her wear them, but I am also all about her being able to express herself how she wants and if it means her hair being down, why make a big deal out of it?   I have seen the kids with the big "JoJo Bows" I have seen friends posting on social media of taking their daughters to JoJo events... So, when the latest JoJo DVD came out, I knew this was going to be a hit with kids this year. Do you know a JoJo fan?? FTC Compliant Review Policy:    The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are  my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensa...