
Showing posts from March 24, 2013

The Bible- Series Finale Easter Sunday

Just a reminder that The Bible Series Finale is Easter Sunday. Don't forget you can purchase this on April 2nd. Happy Easter, all! He Is Risen!!! ***** I was not required to post this, just wanted to remind you all.

The Little House That Stood #VeggieTales #Easter

If you are trying to figure out a couple last minute idea's for the Easter Basket ... Look no further!!! Head to Wal-Mart and grab the latest from VeggieTales: The Little House That Stood . THE LITTLE HOUSE THAT STOOD reunites fans with popular VeggieTales characters including: Larry the Cucumber  ā€“ Goofy, green and always a little bit silly! Bob The Tomato  ā€“ Heā€™s the practical one who likes to make sure thereā€™s a lesson to learn, but always gets pulled into Larryā€™s silliness!  Jr. Asparagus  ā€“ This little 6-year-old Veggie is full of fun and reminds us that little guys can do big things too!  Plus ā€“  The French Peas ,  Madame Blueberry , AND MORE! THE LITTLE HOUSE THAT STOOD parodies two popular nursery rhymes - The Three Little Pigs and Humpty Dumpty - to help impart valuable life lessons.   The Three Little Pigs meet the Wise and Foolish builders and learn that by making good choices, they can build a house ...

Hide Em and Hatch Em - Love the Results

I normally have a camera with me at all times... But of course, the time I really wish I had it... It was no where near me! Image - Amazon We were sent the Hide Em and Hatch Em eggs for review. (I put two up for Easter surprise, but I went ahead and gave Broxton one now.) What exactly is a Hide Em and Hatch Em egg ? Just the cutest thing ever..... You can order the eggs from Amazon ... and when it arrives, it is a package of 3 eggs.  There is a yellow, a green and a pink egg included.  You are to place the egg in water (enough so that it covers the entire egg) and then you wait for them to hatch.  Of course, the excitement of it all was too much for Broxton.  He placed the egg in the water and had to watch it... he wanted to carry the cup of water everywhere with him, in case it were to hatch.  I finally had to put a lid on it, as he was so concerned over it..  At one point, I noticed he even had it covered up, trying to keep it warm to hatch!!!! W...

Disney's Planes - Out August 9th

As much as Broxton loves the movie, CARS... I know that we are all pretty thrilled to see the latest.... Disney's - Planes!!!!  Heading to theaters on August 9th. From above the world of ā€œCarsā€ comes ā€œDisneyā€™s Planes,ā€ an action-packed 3D animated comedy adventure featuring Dusty (voice of Dane Cook), a plane with dreams of competing as a high-flying air racer. But Dustyā€™s not exactly built for racingā€”and he happens to be afraid of heights. So he turns to a seasoned naval aviator who helps Dusty qualify to take on the defending champ of the race circuit. Dustyā€™s courage is put to the ultimate test as he aims to reach heights he never dreamed possible, giving a spellbound world the inspiration to soar. ā€œDisneyā€™s Planesā€ takes off in theaters on Aug. 9, 2013. For more information, check out , like us on Facebook:  and f ollow us on Twitter: . Cast/Voices: Ā·    ...

Parental Guidance #Giveaway

If you are looking for a great family movie... Look no further.  Parental Guidance was just released on March 26th and it is a great one!!! Living in Atlanta, we are slowly becoming the "Hollywood of the South" or so it is claimed... and with that, we are having several movies filmed around here...   I heard that there was a movie being filmed at a mall I used to shop and that the movie was starring Billy Crystal and Bette Midler.  Those are two names that have been around for quite some time...   Billy Crystal always is the funny guy... and Bette Midler?  Loved her from Beaches... that right there was enough to make me want to see this movie! Some movies claim to be "family movies" and this one for sure fits the title.   I really did not know much about the movie, except who was in it... and that it was supposed to be funny... So, I really had no expectations going in about what this was about...  To me, that was a good thing... When the m...

Top Ten Extended Family Funny Movies

To kick off the release of Parental Guidance on March 26, 2013...  Here is a list of Ten Funny Extended Family Movies... Be it holidays or reunions, there is bound to be a laugh or two!!!! 10. The Great Outdoors The Craigs and the Ripleys couldnā€™t be more different! The Craigsā€™ patriarch is know-it-all investment banker Roman Craig (Dan Akyroyd) and fun-loving Chester (John Candy), better known as ā€œChet,ā€ sits at the helm of the Ripley clan.  When the Ripleys decide to explore the great outdoors on vacation and are spontaneously joined by the Craigs, hilarity follows. 9. Dark Shadows Although there is no shortage of places to lay the blame for the drama within the Collins family, the most recent addition to the clan, Barnabas (Johnny Depp), is largely responsible for the familyā€™s misfortune. He manages to bring the broodā€™s dysfunction to a boil in this enjoyable remake, when he rejoins the family after a 196-year absence and lengthy stay in a coffin following...

Stay Safe and Snuggle In A @GOGOBlanket {Review}

This weather can not decide if it wants to be hot or cold... So, I am so glad that we were sent a GoGo blanket for us to review. Have you heard of the GoGo blanket before? I will admit, I hadn't... but I am glad that we have now!!!   In my opinion, a GoGo blanket is a must have for anyone that has a small child.  (It makes things so much easier!) The GoGo blanket showed up just in time for us...  Broxton had been complaining of being cold every time he went to school.....  I normally just threw a blanket on him and he would sit there ...  in his car seat... a bit restricted.  The same thing would happen when we went to visit my parents...   (Travelling when it gets dark, he always loves snuggling in a blanket!)  It was just hard to play with games... or eat a snack, or take a sip of a drink...   The GoGo blanket is a child's blanket, that has sleeves! By having a GoGo blanket, Broxton is able to be active and have fun while he i...

Beat the Winter Dryness @carmex #giveaway

I don't know if I have shared with you the fact that my mom has the driest hands in the world... I do not know why they are so dry, but it is horrible. Sorry mom, I know you know its true.... but I just had to share it with everyone. I have always said that I do not want to have super dry hands like her... So, I try my best to keep them moisturized.  I just wish I would make a routine and stick with it... But, It never works that way.  I try and use lotions as much as possible, but I also wash my hands a million times and I do not always think of grabbing lotion right afterwards... I have mentioned before about Marc having super dry hands and I think he is the only guy I know that will ask for lotion.  (He also carries it in his bag when he travels.)  We both enjoy using the Carmex lotion.  I was surprised as to how great it worked.  We have been fans of the Carmex lip treatment for quite a while (before I even knew Marc, I used Carmex.) With the...

Are You "Healthing" or Just "Cleaning" #Lysol

The other night on Glee, the episode was about "Guilty Pleasure's" Do you happen to have any because I know I do... I have a slight obsession with the smell of Lysol. Growing up, I remember the daycare that I went to... and later my brother went there as well. They always had Lysol on hand.  Never really knew why, at that age - I thought it had to be to cover up the smell of dirty diapers and stinky, sweaty kids!  I am not sure if that is why I have always trusted the name, but I have always had Lysol on hand... As long as I can remember....  To spray in the bathroom and all over the bathroom. (I am NOT a fan of bathrooms at all!) Actually, Lysol is always around our house...  (Remember, my slight obsession.) When Broxton had the flu, we went through TONS of Lysol. I used it to spray down the remotes, the phones, the door knobs, the light switches... and most importantly... HIS TOYS. We literally laid them out and sprayed... over and over again... ...

Good Humor Limited Edition Treats

Just in time for Easter: A Sweet Treat from Good Humor:  Limited Edition: Egg Shaped Ice Cream Treats!!!!! MoundsĀ® Ice Cream Eggs  These bars feature coconut flavored light ice cream with coconut dipped in a dark chocolate flavored coating in an egg shape.           REESEā€™SĀ® Peanut Butter Ice Cream Eggs  These bars feature peanut butter ice cream with a REESEā€™SĀ® peanut butter swirl dipped in a milk chocolate flavored coating in an egg shape.  FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Scientist In The House.... Sid the Science Kid

We love Sid the Science Kid in this house...  "Scientist in the House!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" They are now releasing a Sid the Science Kid MOVIE!!!!! This movie is going to be released for purchase on April 2nd...   So it is perfect timing to take along for any road trips you have planned for this summer! The movie is being released on DVD April 2nd, but we get to watch it before then!!!! March 25th brings a sneak peak for us on PBS... and then encore presentations on March 29th and March 31st...   I am not sure what time it comes on in your area, but it is on at 11:30 am here (I already set our reminder for it!) See what all is happening: Select PBS stations across the U.S. will be hosting Sid-themed movie premiere events with hands-on educational activities throughout the month of March. Participating stations include KPTS/Wichita, WPBS/Watertown, WSRE/Pensacola, WYES/New Orleans, WEDU/Tampa, Mississippi Public Broadcasting/Jackson, WGTE/Toledo, KLRN/San Antonio,...

Major Milestone? This Is 40 {Review}

Let me start by saying that all movies are not for everyone.  I know that. There are some movies that I am SURE I would have loved years ago... and some that still have me asking how they get to be "favorites" that my friends will always recommend. That being said... I had the opportunity to watch This is 40. I was headed to visit my family, so I took it along to watch while there... As soon as I saw the "Unrated" stamp on there, I knew my mom was not going to be watching... Also, as soon as I saw the "sort of sequel to knocked up" on there, I knew my brother WOULD be watching!   It was funny, it was like Knocked Up weekend or something, as it seemed like every time I turned the tv on, that was what was playing...  But we did not watch it again... we just went straight to the new movie.... Yep, as soon as the movie starts, we have the two main characters having sex in the bathroom. My brother and I looked at each other and gave one another th...