
Yesterday I told you the sad news of the summer... and I told you to come back today to hear the happiest news of it all. If you follow me on Instagram, you already know, but if not... Savannah is here!!! Through out the summer, we had many issues to deal with, but at the same time, I was enjoying being pregnant. Marc and I had presumed we were done having children. We had let "nature take its course" and nothing had happened... I was a bit sad, as I did not realize with Broxton that he was not only the first for everything, he appeared to be the only and last too. I will admit that I was a bit sad. I had totally thought that we would have more than one, so to look back and realize that while I was enjoying the firsts of everything going through being pregnant, I would not get to experience it again. Then, it all changed. I was pregnant and would get to experience it all again. We knew that this time around would be the last,...