
Showing posts from April 1, 2012

Happy Easter from the Chipmunks and Chipettes!

In case you need to print a quick card for Easter...  (These would be cute to print small and place in a hidden egg!) I received a review copy of Chipwrecked.  I was not required to post this, but thought it was cute!

Celebrate with Your Little Angels for Easter

I am happy to tell you that we have been reviewing the cutest DVD's lately... Little Angels from Roma Downey. If you shop at Wal-Mart, I am sure that you have seen the products or advertisements in the stores. We actually had these for a bit and Broxton loves to watch it over and over again. The DVD starts with a cute and catchy song about the Little Angels and then goes into the cartoon. The Little Angels are painted on the ceiling... that way it is the last thing the kids see before they go to bed... and the first thing they see in the morning.  The Little Angels come to life whenever there is a situation where they are needed.  Through songs, they teach the lesson at hand! Broxton has watched the Little Angels 123's about 7 million times! We were going to visit my parents and needed a DVD for the ride down. I put this in and AS SOON AS IT WAS OVER, he asked me to play it again... and again.. and again... and did I tell you he asked me to play it again? ...

Meet The Little Angels

I hope you come back to read my review about the Little Angels DVD's that we have been reviewing... But until then, I just wanted to share with you a little sneak peak of them.   A coloring sheet with the two kids that are the main characters and then the Angels that are there to help them out: Here is a fun way to meet the Angels. Michael Michael is an archangel and The Boss Angel. Michael is the leader of the little angels, has a commanding presence, and is supremely knowledgeable. If any of the little angels run into a problem, they go to Michael for help. Gabriel Gabriel is an archangel, and is second in command to Michael. Gabriel is the Messenger Angel, which means that when the little angels want to announce something very important, they give the job to Gabriel! He always carried a trumpet, which he blows to get everyoneā€™s attention before his important proclamations. Charmeine Charmeine is the Angel of Harmony. Not only does she carry and ha...

LoveSac Slippers Are A Walk In the Clouds

Have you ever had something that everyone else wanted?  Or have you secretly wished for something that you saw?  If you answered yes to either question... you might be thinking of the same thing I am... the LoveSac Slippers!!!! I was able to review a pair of the LoveSac Phur Slippers . I originally wanted to check them out to see if they might be a great gift idea for my grandaddy. There was talk of possibly removing the carpets at his house (hardwood underneath), but I was worried of him slipping... So, I thought it would be nice to get him a nice comfy pair of slippers for him to wear to get around the house, but not worry about him slipping... That leads me to now...  I received the slippers and immediately I was in love with them!  They are just so soft... and they keep your feet warm.  Not hot, but warm... know what I mean? I thought they were cute how they had a little patch in the inner sole of the shoe.   The shoes I receiv...

Catch the Breakout Kings Today

If you have never seen the show, Breakout Kings... I suggest you check it out now! I had never seen it, but then I had the chance to review it on here... We put in the first episode and were hooked!  Breakout Kings Season One was released on DVD March 13th and we luckily have a new show to watch now!  Have you heard of it?  Seen it?  It comes on A&E and it is a great show that holds you for the whole time! Marc and I started watching the other night... between March Madness Basketball going on, most of our normal shows were not on or were on repeat... Since we had this whole first season, we figured why not check it out?!  So glad we did!  We watched a couple episodes and were discussing how the show starts off with a bang and you are hooked from the intro!  Not to worry though, it doesn't die down through the whole episode... but rather keeps reeling you in!   When the boys came for Spring Break... I asked if they had seen...

PAAS Lets Your Creativity Show

Are you one that sticks to certain brands of items for things? I never really noticed how I am about some, but not others... Until recently. I will not go into everything that has to be a certain brand... but I will tell you one. Photo Credit: PAAS PAAS Easter Egg Dying Kits ! As long as I can remember, that has been a brand we have trusted!   You know it is getting close to Easter when you see the PAAS items... and tons of vinegar!  We received two of the new product lines from PAAS for review and I was so happy! Broxton has been wanting to "color the Easter Eggs" for a few days, but I wasn't planning on doing it this year...  We had our Egg Hunt at the church and they did all plastic eggs... but, I did want him to have that memory, so we all won in this case! Photo Credit: PAAS We were sent the PAAS EggTats for review and we all know Broxton is into tattoo's...  So, I knew this would be fun!  We colored the eggs... ...

Spice It Up with Tattooed By Inky

When it comes to thinking outside the box, I am not always the best at that... For Easter, the Easter Bunny normally leaves candy and maybe a toy or two... This year, he already told me he is leaving Broxton other items... But, what do you do for the tweens/teens in your life? Thinking outside the box... Why not try Tattooed by Inky ? It is a body spray that will have them not only smelling good, but feeling ready to go! The Tattooed by Inky line comes in 5 scents... 2 for boys, 2 for girls and one "unisex." I tell you, I would have liked to have tried the unisex to see if it really would be liked by all, but then I saw the description... "Patchouli" I am sorry, but that right there is a turn off.  I can not stand that scent.  Nothing against you, if you are a fan... just not for me!   So, we received the Blue Bottle (for boys) it is Drako. It is described as Spices, Musk and Precious Wood.  I really liked it and actually used it on Bro...

Let's Share... A Love of Reading

As I have said time and time again...  I love to read!  I remember when I was younger, my Nana would have me read the newspaper to her...  Not because she couldn't... but because she wanted me to learn.  I would read the articles to her and if I did not know a word, she would have me look it up.  Because of her (and my mom who could pretty much open up a library from home...) I love to read.  I hope that I can pass my love of reading to Broxton and so far, he seems to enjoy it. From snuggling up and us reading together to just him sitting and flipping through magazines and books...  That being said, I wanted to share a couple random emails I have received lately... ------------------------ We have a couple of Dr. Seuss books here, but not many... Sad to say, out of the TOP 5 List below, we own only 2... Oh the Places You'll Go and The Cat in the Hat.   (Guess we need to get these other 3 soon!) Brooke Jackman Foundation has com...

Have You Been To Russia? I See the Sun in Russia review

Since we can not afford (financially or time wise) to just hop on over to other area's of the world, I am glad to know that we can explore and learn about other area's from reading.  If you remember my review on I See The Sun In Afghanistan, you will know that I really enjoy this series.   Dedie King and Judith Inglese just released their fourth book.   The latest?  We get to visit Russia!   I See the Sun in Russia follows the life of a young boy named Anton. Through this book, we learn that Russia is a city very much rooted in the arts... Anton was lucky enough to pass the exam to allow him to go to a special school....  His brother goes to the basic public school, but we only follow Anton on this one.  His day starts like all kids, getting ready... followed by classwork.  Lucky for us, we get to follow him to the museum for a field trip this particular day... The school day ends with music lessons and then an ensemble, with hi...

All Aboard for New Episodes of Thomas and Friends - April 7th

You know how much Broxton loves Thomas... Remember our Day Out with Thomas 2011 ?  (You can just search THOMAS up top in my search box to see how much we love Thomas here...) So, you can imagine my excitement when I received the following email: Thomas & Friends  returns to PBS on April 7 th  (but check your local listings for exact date and time) with brand new episodes. The seasonā€™s debut episode,  Chuffing with Pride,  is divided into two stories.  In ā€œRace to the Rescue,ā€ Victor works on fire engine Flynnā€™s wheels so that he can roll on the road as well as on tracks.  Afraid of being a ā€œbig red wobble on wheels on the road,ā€ Flynn decides to use the tracks instead even though the road is faster! Using the tracks, Flynn is late to help with emergencies on Sodor, but he is still able to put out the fire in time.  Flynn realizes that he isnā€™t a ā€œbig red wobble on wheels.ā€  In fact, heā€™s the hero of the day! In ā€œBust M...

Have You Noticed Kraft Milk Bites in Your Refrigerated Section?

As a mom, I am sometimes rushed... Or, sometimes things come up and I can not always do as planned... I have been sick for a bit now, at first, I thought it was just allergies and did not really worry about it (besides the over the counter medicines...) but finally, the pain was too much and I had to go to the doctor... I have a bad sinus infection and a "horrible ear infection" going on... Not fun. That being said, I have been out of it a bit around here...  I mean, I was in PAIN.  Like, I felt my head was about to explode off of my body... Wonder why I am telling you all of this? Just to lead up to telling you about a life saver this last week or so... Kraft Milk Bites . Have you seen them?  Have you tried them? It is actually made with Real Milk... they are in the refrigerated area of your stores. We received the Strawberry and the Chocolate ones for review. Now, I am not one that gets up and makes homemade waffles ...