The Rise of Skywalker Light - Saber Battles #ad
Let me back track a bit... So, back in March Broxton had a picnic at school and I am so thankful that my mom was able to take the time to go and enjoy his 5th grade picnic with him... because the next day was a teacher workday and she had both kids at home with her.. BOOM - COVID 19 hit and that was the last day they were in school. There was a good while that they stayed with her for me to work and there was time that I was home with them as well. We did the home school / virtual learning ... but we also had lots of time to enjoy together. I was not about to have that whole time be about "book learning" I wanted to enjoy that time with my kids and look at it as a blessing. They grow up so fast as it is, so that little time to enjoy with them was wonderful. We were given the opportunity to review THE RISE OF SKYWALKER and being that my kiddos LOVE Star Wars, I was happy to surprise them with the movie! We had a movie DAY. We had virtual learnin...