Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone!
I will be posting pictures of B soon!

Tonight was supposed to be fun...
I was looking forward to giving out the candy to all the trick -or- treaters...
You know, after working so long on Halloween, it was nice to be able to enjoy the kids!
I took B to see my grandma and to the neighbors..
I mean, come on, he is only 8 months old... He can't eat any of the candy!
It was so sweet, my grandma bought him a cute little toy for his T-O-T "candy"
We waited till the neighbor put their light on and then we went to do an official trick or treat...

I was going to take him to a few other neighbors, but I have to be honest...
I got a bit emotional...
Yeah, I know...
On Halloween?!
But, yes, I did!
I just got to thinking about how M. is missing B's first Halloween...
and will miss the first Thanksgiving... and Christmas... and New Years...
It just took me by surprise!
So, we went to the one house and then came home...

B was all Mr. Nosy wanting to see the trick or treaters...
One sweet little girl even asked if he was wanting to eat the candy (he kept trying to grab it as I gave it out)
We had a couple groups that got a trailer and put hay on it and drove the kids around...
It was cute and I loved it...
Just wish M. was here and B. was older...

I got frustrated..
We started getting some that came up...
NO COSTUME at all... Just jeans and a shirt with a plastic Wal-Mart bag...
No "trick - or - treat" or anything, just put the bag out..
Instead of making a big deal, I just gave the candy and closed the door...
Sometimes it is easier this way....
But, the kicker of it all was the kid that looked at the candy and said he didn't like it...
I said, sorry (I took the candy back) and closed the door.
He could have done 2 things...
1- took it and been grateful
2- took it and traded with someone else...

Either way, he didn't like it, so I didn't give it to him!

The end of the night was like this..
B. was getting fussy...
I said one more group of T-O-T'ers and then we were done...
Well, I looked out and 4 BIG kids (Not in costume) were walking up...
Needless to say, I turned the light out...
Ate the candy that was going to them...
and put B to sleep!

Head on over to A Nut In a Nutshell and read her Halloween List...


  1. O, I'm sorry sweetheart! I know how you feel. Your family is in my prayers everyday.


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