Mom's surgery

Her surgery went well.
BUT, she has to stay overnight.
My grandparents are there waiting.
My dad is REALLY BUSY at work and could not be there...
I know it is killing him too...
So, now I am making her an overnight bag.
That right there is so funny!
I pack way to much...
How am I to know what to pack?
I put a gown, toothbrush and toothpaste.
I also put a few magazines.
You know, the pain meds MIGHT wear off...
Then she MIGHT get BORED and want to read..
Need to be prepared!
Now that I think about it. .
She might want a brush for her hair.
I was going to pack her makeup.
She "paints" her face to just sit around the house all day.

You know, like on tv and in the movies when they wake up..
How their hair and makeup is perfect?
Well, I am not saying her hair is perfect, but I am saying she ALWAYS had makeup on.
I am surprised she didn't put it on to get to the hospital and then take it off before surgery.
I wonder if she even thought about that..
Anyways, I am NOT packing the makeup, because then I have to pack like a WHOLE DRAWER of JUNK she uses..

Thanks for the prayers...
Now if we can just have a speedy recovery!


  1. Sounds like she is doing well. Prayers continually!

  2. Good news! She must be feeling even better by now.


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