Aloha Friday # 22

In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
Answer my question... Post one of your own... visit Kailani... and enjoy! It is FRIDAY!!!

My question for you...
Any advice you want to give me to help with a teething baby?
Yep... Broxton has 4 on top and 2 on bottom...
BUT, he now has 3 more coming in... Those Molars!
And this time around.. We are struggling!
He is constantly fussing. He has been having upset tummy and is trying to chew ANY and EVERY thing he can get.
Any advice you have is greatly appreciated! (Yes, old wives tales count! LOL)

Have a great weekend!


  1. We had a couple of teething toys--one that was easy to hold and sort of gummy-feeling, the other that could be chilled. I've heard of offering the baby chunks of frozen seedless watermelon, but I haven't tried it (I heard it long after our teething days were over). Oh, and there's Anbesol!

    Happy Friday!

  2. No - just wait it out. That seems to be all that there is. Some babies take it better than others.

  3. Yes, there is ambesol, but some say that rots the teeth before they're even there, but not sure on that one. I gave my kids spoons to gnaw on. Refrigerated teething rings seem to work the best though. Most of the time it's just love and patience until those Teeth break through, and don't forget whoever finds that first tooth has to buy baby a present. hehe

  4. I don't have kid's so I'm no help with this question! Good luck and I hope you find some good tips! Have a great weekend! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  5. They got these baby meshes in the baby section at like Walmart you can put frozen waffles in them or Popsicle and they won't choke and that will help with the teething. Even frozen bagels work in there.

  6. We had a hard time with teething; I hope you avoid that. My suggestion: vodka! not for him--for YOU!

  7. Wish I could give you advice. But I don't have kids!

  8. My little man decided to get his top 4 all at once! OUCH! So, we have frozen washcloths, homeopathic teething drops (with my other babies I have used a product call "Teething Tablets" - both really seem to help), and of course Tylenol by the bottle! Not really by the bottle but definitely as often as directed. My little man usually runs a low grade fever and gets really red and flushed (makes it easy to diagnose the teeth!).

    Good luck - teething is painful for all involved!

    New follower from FF -

    Misadventures Of Mom of 3

  9. Happy Friday Follow, I'm your newest follower! Looking forward to getting to know you! Happy SITS day too!

  10. I'm a new follower from Friday Follow (even though it's Saturday).

    Since Oragel is topical and baby Ibuprofin is ingested, they can be used at the same time. Also, we found a pacifier-shaped teether that can go in the freezer. Our 9-month old is teething right now, but that is what we are doing. Have a great weekend :)

  11. JDaniel still get fussy when teeth come in. He loves to suck on cold things.

  12. I had something similar to this when my son was teething:

    I filled it with frozen fruit and it helped a lot when he was teething.

    Found you through Friday Follow.

  13. You will always have to use some form of distraction, but they wont always work. Baby mostly want your comfort.

    Try baths with toys to play with.

    let him color.

    listen to your music

    There are teething gels I think that are helpful.

    It will pass soon, I promise. There are things that comes and passes and then you sigh.

  14. I swear by teething tablets. I didn't use them with my son (now 2) but would not want to live with my daughter (now 1 and cutting molars) if I didn't have Little Remedies Teething Tablets.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, returning the follow!


  15. I think I used a combination of those liquid teething rings (which I froze) and Orajel. I was pretty lucky with my two little munchkins. Good luck!

  16. My boys - if I remember all those years ago :-), used to like to chew on frozen bagels and frozen pretzels to help with the pain. Along with ibuprofen for the inflamation instead of Tylenol - it works better on tooth pain. (I used to work in the pharmaceutical field.)
    Good luck, it doesn't last forever, it just feels that way.


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