Beautiful Blogger - Award

I was just given a Beautiful Blogger Award from
Kandi over at Twin-Spiration!
Talk about a great way to start your week off! If all Mondays were like this, right?!
Go and check out her blog, the name says it all...
She is the mother of TWIN 6 year old girls... and they are just too cute!

Here are the rules:

1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award and insert a link to their blog.

2. Pass on the award to about 15 other bloggers who you recently discovered and think are great!

3. Contact the other bloggers and let them know they have been chosen for this award.

4. Say 7 things about yourself.

So, lets see... 7 things about me?

1. I am a first time mom and I love sharing what I have learned since being a mom with my friends that are pregnant or have just had a baby. LOL, it is just my opinion, but still... anything that might help them out, I will share!
2. I worked at the same job for almost 10 years... When I was 7 months pregnant, I found out it was closing and I would be unemployed.
3. I went to school for photography. I wanted to be a photojournalist, but then realized I would not be able to go and photograph the funeral of a celebrity, or invade in ANY ONES personal space like that, so I decided that I wanted to make greeting cards. (If anyone has any connections, lol, let me know!)
4. I have TONS of junk! Going to school for photography, I needed all kinds of props, so... I figure, keep things that I might be able to use down the road!
5. I really wish that I had a way to sell some of my photos. I have some that I know others would like!
6. I love to read! I try and take magazines whenever I go somewhere (Doctors office, getting my nails done...) So, if I finish it, I can leave it and let someone else read it!
7. I took several bags of clothes to a consignment store... ( I mean, it was like 8 or 9 HUGE trash bags full of clothes, mine and Marcs... ) I was planning on putting the money towards diapers for Broxton.. Yeah, all I got back was $26. I still think something was VERY FISHY with that! I will have to post about this one later...

As for the 15 other bloggers that I would like to pass this along to...


  1. Congrats on your award! Have a great week!


  2. Thank you sooooo much babe. Congrats on your award as well. I am excited to see the other bloggers!

  3. you are too sweet, thank you!

    And congratulations to YOU too! :)

  4. Congrats on the well-deserved award and thanks for passing it on to me. You rock!!

  5. Oh thanks! that's so sweet! Liove your list. And yeah, $26 is pretty fishy.

  6. LOVE not Liove. What's LIOVE? lol

  7. Congratulations! You SO deserve this award!

  8. wow! thank you so much! what a nice award to receive especially since i haven't been blogging about very beautiful stuff lately! thank you so much!

  9. Congrats! I love your magazine idea.

  10. I loved learning more about are super funny. And I would definitely have to check into the 8 - 9 bags of clothes thing. Doesn't quite add up. I love your blog and enjoy following you. Thanks for the kind comment about my girls. :)
    Happy Tuesday!

  11. Noelle,
    Congrats on a well deserved award. I love your list, it is nice to learn more about you.
    Congratulations to the wonderful bloggers that you passed the award onto.

  12. You are so sweet! Thank you so much for the award!!!

  13. Congrats on your award! I hope you do find a way to sell your photos.

  14. Thank you Noelle! Love your blog- congrats to you as well!

  15. Thank you so much for the comments were screwed up and for some reason I just got this tonight! Gotta love blogger sometimes...Congrads to you and thank you again!!!


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