Parking in Egypt

I have been driving my dad's car for a while now.
You see, I needed to borrow it when we got the boys(more room) and remember my car seat ordeal??? Well, we ended up having my cousins husband install the car seat. (No lie, he is an engineer...)
He installed it for me in my dads car and I have just not had the energy, nor desire, to try and figure out how to install it back in my car again.
BUT, I am ready for it to be back in mine.

I have a question for you...
When you go to the store...
Where do you park?
Do you grab the first one you come to? Or do you ride around, circling the parking lot waiting for something to come closer? Or, are you like... MY DAD?

He parks so far out... I mean, if I wanted to exercise, I would go to the gym or something, but not him... I think guys like him are why men started dropping women off at the door so they could park. Just to not listen to us complain about how long of a walk it is. When you go with my dad, plan on taking a bottle of water, the stroller for the baby...
Do you catch what I am saying?
He parks so far out that you wonder what store you are going to...

No joke. Marc and I (with the boys) went to Wal-Mart before he deployed...
He parked in the VERY LAST parking spot... * we all know how big Wal-Mart parking lots are too! He even took a picture and sent it to my dad just so he would not worry about where we parked...

My mom and I went to lunch the other day and I said I hated having to park not near anything... Her response was I better pull on up front and park because she wasn't walking! :) So, we did... Ha! Dad could take it up with her... I wasn't going to get in trouble that time! :)

But here is the thing...
You know me and my love for Target...
I just wonder if there is like a memo that goes out to everyone when I go to Target.
I have gone a few times lately... (Don't even ask...)
I park way on out in Egypt and Broxton and I strike out on our journey to get to the store... Whew... We park so far out and there are NO CARS ANYWHERE NEAR US...
We pass by ALL these empty spots... sometimes I have to admit, I get a bit frustrated when there is a great spot right out front...
But, I am not going to lie... I appreciate my dad letting us borrow the car, so I am not going to park anywhere and risk something happening to the car...
How about when we come out to head on back to the car...
EVERY SPOT AROUND us is taken! I mean, come on now... ALL THOSE SPOTS, why do you HAVE to park right there by us?! I seriously think they send out a memo...
"Noelle going to Target, hurry up and park by her so that her parking so far out was actually pointless!"

Anyways, that was all I really had to say.
Target today, parked out ... come out to leave, all spots around me taken...
Oh well, maybe we are just a magnet and we don't know it?!

Happy Wednesday all!


  1. I always park as close as I can get! I am way too lazy walk around a parking lot especially if I have any of the kids with me. If there's not a spot close enough I probably won't even get out of the car, lol!

  2. I like to park by the cart return. I don't mind walking but I hate to search for the nearest cart return. You feel like everyone is watching, thinking "she better not just leave that cart." So, yeah, cart return.

    BFE: that's what we call it when you park way out. "I parked in BFE." I can explain that if it's needed. The last word is Egypt.

  3. I park right next to spot I will need to drop off the grocery cart.

  4. Shoot, I want to park as close as possible!

  5. I park in first spot I see, whether far or close! Don't wanna waste time driving around! lol

  6. I will circule to find a closer and wider spot to fit my truck, but yes I'd rather up front and nt too far walk. I have two kids and a huge cart to think about and what if is't hot? or raining? or darrrrk?

    No I like company. I'm finding a spot up front. yes I'll wait until someone backs out and get it...if I can fit the truck :)

  7. I usually don't like people parking around me either and if it's a small space, I'll put the truck in the middle of both. Selfish? No. I just don't want to have a heartache getting out and having to hurt someone's vehicle.

  8. I am disabled and have a handicapped parking permit, so I usually park close to the front of the store. I get really annoyed when someone without a permit parks in one of those spots because it really is hard for me to walk around the store and do my grocery shopping (I don't do much other shopping in a store, I do most of that online), so to add the extra walk TO the store is SO aggrevating.


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