Blog Parade

Just came across this blog and wanted to join in on the fun!
Go and check out some really cute blogs!
Just visit
Rear Window and join in this fun time!

1. What's your favorite time of the day, and why?
I think I am going to have to say morning. It is so wonderful to wake up and see my sweet and smiling baby boy! Also, morning is when I get to talk to Marc, once I get to talk to him and know he is safe, I am a happy person!
2. If health wasn't an issue, what food could you live off of?
I love all veggies, lol, you can not tell that by looking at me, but I really do! Well, let me take that back... I love MOST veggies!
3. If you could have one wish granted (besides wishing for more wishes), what would it be?
To have Marc home and safe... and us both have good jobs that support us to be able to do whatever we want.
4. What's one thing that you get teased about a lot?
My southern accent! I do not think it is that bad, but when I moved to Atlanta, they all called me "Sweet Tea" because of how southern they thought I sounded!
5. If you could choose one movie, book, or TV show to spend your life in, which would you pick? What type of character would you be?
Oohh... that is a great question! I am going to have to think about that one for a bit!
6. If you could have one talent that you don't already have, what would it be?
I would love to be able to sing... ON KEY!
7.If money were no object, where would you go on vacation?
Well, first vacation, We would rent an RV and travel all over the US, then we would venture elsewhere!
8. If you were an awesome singer, which genre would you sing?
Let's go, Reba!
9. If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, what would it be?
LOL, this is funny! I would have to be logical... I would go to Target. I mean, 10,000 that can buy LOTS of diapers and other needs!
10. If you could live in any point in time, when would it be?
No time like the present! I love my life. I have a wonderful family... My friends are awesome... Life is good!
11. If every outfit in your wardrobe had to be one color, what would it be?
Blue... I love all the different shades of blue
12. If you were one of the seven dwarves, which one would you be?
(Doc, Grumpy, Sneezy, Sleepy, Bashful, Happy, or Dopey)
Well, I am not Bashful... That can be eliminated right there! I would have to say Happy! Or Dopey, just depends on what day you catch me on!
13. What's the last album you listened to?
What is an album? LOL, just joking... I can not even tell you... I just listen to the radio, that is about it...
14. What's something we'd be surprised to know about you?
Although I consider myself very outgoing and social, I am terrified to walk into places alone... Shhhhh... Don't tell anyone that though!


  1. Love your answers. My fav color is blue too.

  2. It was interesting reading more about you Ms sweet tea :)

  3. Hi Noelle, nice to meet you! I used to be terrified to go into places alone, too, even if I was meeting someone! Finally, I decided to go to the foodcourt at the mall and sit and eat alone, it was terrifying but I got through and I've never been afraid to go anywhere along again! Love your answers!


  4. you have an adorable blog and a sweet family! i have so much respect for you military wives!!! thank you for your sacrifices. the rv vacation sounds like so much fun! i've enjoyed visiting your blog. happy weekend!

  5. I knew you'd wish for Marc to be home safe with you and Broxton, I can totally understand that!
    I think I'd like to take a train trip around the country as a vacation! Then I want a yacht to sail around the South Pacific with Bill and Nano.
    I have Social Anxiety Disorder so I can completely understand your fear of walking into places alone!
    Have a great weekend.


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