Getting to Know You - week 2

Head on over to MannLand5 for more!

Here are the questions:

1. Do you think mustaches are sexy?
2. What's the last concert you've been to?
3 What was your favorite 80's sitcom?
4. Were you named after anyone?
5. When you buy new clothes, do you wash before wearing?
6. If you didn't blog, what would you do with your spare time?
7. What is your favorite department store?
8. If you were to get Laser Hair Removal..where would you get it?

1. Do you think mustaches are sexy?
NO! I can not stand them...
Marc even grew one out... I think it was to annoy me :) But it is gone, and yes... I am HAPPY about it! :)

2. What's the last concert you've been to?
New Kids On The Block baby! I was pregnant, it was awesome! Made me flashback to the old days when I went to their concerts!

3 What was your favorite 80's sitcom?
I do not remember... Is that sad? I guess I liked all the cartoons... So, whatever, you pick!!!

4. Were you named after anyone?
Yep! My first name is my great-grandmothers.

5. When you buy new clothes, do you wash before wearing?
YES! Always have, have you seen that info about just how nasty they are?!

6. If you didn't blog, what would you do with your spare time?
Watch tv! LoL, that and read, but I read a good bit now!

7. What is your favorite department store?
I am not really a shopper... Like, not one to go to the mall and shop... Just give me Target and Old Navy and I am good to go!

8. If you were to get Laser Hair Removal..where would you get it?
I do not see myself ever getting it, so I do not have an answer for this :)


  1. Good for you for finding time to read with a little one. I feel like whenever I pick up a book my daughter tries to do sneaky things while I am rarely works out for me, haha...

  2. Oh goodness - we were a match made in heaven :)

    I was a NKOTB addict!!!!!!!! and well you can see what I said about washing my new clothes - and I have 6 people to wash for so I'm a washing fool!!!

    And Old Navy and Target - well I could live in those!

  3. Old Navy always looks so fun, but then none of it every fits me.

  4. I love Target too.

  5. Oh, mustaches...ick. So nasty to me! How cool that you have a family name.

  6. I heart Target....and Old Navy has super cute stuff for good prices too :0)

    loved you Q&A


  7. My hubs had mustache when I met him. Let's just say it was off within 48 hours,lol.

  8. Oh, I love mustaches...
    I have never liked NKOTB, I have always been a fan of Rock n' Roll.
    I always wash new clothes, too, but I LOVE to shop - online!
    I love to watch TV and read also.
    I would definitely get laser hair removal of my entire leg! I hate shaving.


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