Ditch the Joneses - Discover Your Family - Book Review "WIBN"

I always thought that whenever Marc and I had children of our own, that we would both work and put our little one in childcare... Not that I really wanted that, but because I thought that would be what we had to do.
As you know, Marc was deployed the first year of Broxton's life...
and I hoped and prayed that we could survive on his pay (which by the way, the military is SO UNDERPAID, but anyways) and allow me to stay home.
Luckily for us, we had help from my family.

I was terrified that I would have to work...
Now hold on, let me explain...
I was so worried that with Marc being gone, if I was working...
Neither of us would be around for any of Broxton's firsts...
and I was DETERMINED that I would be there and get pictures/video whatever...
Just to be able to show Marc...

I was able to review "Ditch the Joneses Discover Your Family" by Cathi Brese Doebler and I think this is a great book. Granted, it might have been more helpful for us before Broxton was born, but I still got several great tips for us to apply today.

One thing, is I am fortunate to have read this to see that others feel the same that I do...
and I am not alone in wanting this!
I know some of you are stay at home moms and others work... but this just feels right for us at this time. Cathi's book is more than structured information to help with "how to thrive on less that two incomes."
Cathi has included scripture that is relevant to what she is telling us at the moment.
She also ends each section with a prayer that I felt was very touching for the section at hand.
I know that we could not have survived Marc's deployment (nor living on one salary now) without God's help. Also, this book showed me that I tend to forget that I can pray with thanks for all the blessings we have.

I do like that Cathi has included questions to consider, sample worksheets to help you weigh the pro/con for your situation, and my favorite... ways to save money!!!
She also includes information on how to approach your employer when you want to reduce your hours to allow more time with your family... and also information when you want to once again increase your workload!
Seems as though Cathi has it all in this book!!!!

I think that Ditch the Joneses would be a great gift for young couples that are in discussion for starting a family... as well as those that are trying to decide the stay at home or go to work scenarios. This would be great for a loved one that is pregnant, as well as those that are just thinking about what the future holds for them!!!

So, wouldn't it be nice... Under the tree ... for someone you know?

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


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