I was TAGGED!!!!!

Well, I have been holiday tagged!!!!
So, let me go ahead and answer my questions....
and decide who my lucky ones to be tagged are! :)
Love ya Lorie!

1. When do you usually know and feel that it's finally the holidays? When it gets close to Thanksgiving... Family starts planning get together's, places start decorating... and Christmas music starts playing!

2. What do you want for Christmas this year? I would LOVE an IPAD, but Santa is busy with all the young kids now...

3. Do you go all out with decorations? As soon as we get a house... YES! Until then, we just have a tree.

4. What are you doing Christmas Eve? We will be opening gifts and spending time with each other. I think it will be so fun this year, as Marc is home... and we can watch the excitement with Broxton!

5. What are you doing Christmas Day? My parents and my brother are coming up here to spend the weekend with us. We will be opening gifts, eating and spending time with each other.

6. It's Christmas time. What are you reading? Right now, several of the Chicken Soup books :) Reviews/Giveaway to be held soon!!

7. Favorite movie to watch during the holidays? Never really had one... Will be watching all of them now that I don't have to work all the time and we want to start movie traditions!

8. Favorite Christmas song? I love them all... For some reason, I am loving the Baby Its Cold Outside... Maybe I just really want it to be cold? But for real... I love all the Christmas songs, from Hymns to the frosty the snowmans!

9. Favorite holiday drink? Never had a "holiday drink" hot chocolate from time to time, but that is about it... Don't think I have ever even had egg nog or cider... That makes me sad! lol

10. How is your Christmas shopping going? I am DONE. DONE. DONE

11. If you could spend Christmas Day anywhere else, where would you spend it? As long as I have my family, it really does not matter!

12. Any holiday traditions? My mom and I have "the bag" It is a really pretty silver gift bag that I gave her one year... I told her I wanted it back, so the next year, she gave me a gift in it... Since then, we rotate who gets it each year... It has a sentimental gift in it as well.... It is my turn to get the gift, so lets see what I get this year!

13. Favorite thing about the holidays? FAMILY. Spending time with Family.

Now I am supposed to tag three bloggers to participate and answer these questions. here are the three wonderful people I have chosen: ( I chose 4)


  1. How fun! I'm off to bake cookies, but I'll be back later. Thanks for thinking of me!

  2. I'm so glad you had time to do this... I love everything about Christmas so I was so happy to be tagged.
    I'm sad that you have never had cider or eggnog - you get your butt down here and have one with me.
    I cannot wait to see photos of all of you with Broxton opening gifts. I am so happy for Marc to be there with you. :-)


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