Little Twig - Review

Broxton had the chance to try out the Little Twig Product line.
I have to say, the EXTRA MILD UNSCENTED was a great option.
I used a little and of course, I had to see if I smelled anything.
Although it says it is unscented, I could smell a hint of something.
(That was with me holding it up to my nose!)
I really liked the way the baby wash lathered up on his washcloth.
I feel as though some of the baby products do not lather as well as others and I personally like the bubbles because I know he does.
The other thing I really liked about this was the fact that you can also use it to wash their hair.
It left Broxton's hair and skin super soft!!!

All of their baby washes come with the same scent for their lotions as well.
I rubbed this in on Broxton and he loved it just as much as I did.
It absorbed without leaving any greasy feeling and I used a little on my hands too!!!

We also received a sample of the Calming Lavender.
Besides smelling great and relaxing...
It also worked just as great as the Mild Unscented.

I would probably purchase the Lavender again...

Right now, you can get free shipping in the USA until December 25th.
(It seems as though ALL of their products are currently out of stock, so keep checking back.)

Follow Little Twig on FACEBOOK and TWITTER.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. I love all the great products out for babies. This line looks really nice. Will check out their website. Thanks for the review.
    arobimom at gmail dot com

  2. These look nice. I like little scent. Nothing to make me heave sneeze!


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