It is time to get organized! Review

If you know me at all...
You know I have good intentions to organize...
but then things never actually GET organized.
Not this time...

I started looking at all the things that Organizeworld has and I am determined, the times... they are a changin!
I figured one of the first things that needed work was our pantry.
Now, our pantry is super small.. but hey, at least we have one now... (We didn't at our old place.)
We used to cram things in, there was no organization...
Things were hard to see...
Stacked on top...

Now, not so much!
If you think about it, there is plenty of wasted space between the door and the cabinets.
Well, not if you have the over the door pantry shelf system!

First, let me tell you...
It came to the house and I told Marc he had a project to do.
He had to put it together for me!
But, then I looked...
This was super easy.
No tools were needed...
Even I could do this!

I opened the box...
Connected my two posts for the side...
then hung it in the pantry...
After that, I spaced them out at the different places that I thought would work best for all of our products.

The only problem?
Our pantry is not a normal sized door.
Nope, (remember, I said it was small) the door is way skinnier than a normal door.
What does that mean?
It means that the pantry shelf organizer doesn't fit perfectly.
( I made it work though!)
It doesn't look pretty, but it works!
Ha ha!
This is NOT ours, this was taken off their site.
Look how nice and neat it all is!!!!
The awesome thing about this?
You can either just hang it over the door...
Which is how we have it now...
You can mount it on the door!
That is the plan when we move...
I like how we hang it now, then take it down to move...
Mount it then..
No markings left here!

I am enjoying this for all the extra storage space...
Even Broxton likes it... He thinks it is a parking lot for the matchbox cars!!!

Stop on by Organizeworld to see what all you just have to have for your place...
While you are at it, LIKE them on facebook...
Shouldn't you stay up to date on all they have to tell us?!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. Ok, I really do love that, especially that it can move with you.

  2. Oh yeah, I gotta get me one of those then I won't have to go downstairs to where my can goods shelves are. I have one of those walk in kitchens. SO SMALL! I need to utilize ever bit of space I have. Thanks for stopping by too, and leaving your sweet comment. Your a peach! Am I gonna see you tomorrow for Monday's Music Moves Me? It's the LOVE TRAIN all month! woo hoo! hugs, meeeeeeeeeee

  3. Hi Noelle, that is a great pantry organizer. We all need ideas from time to time!

  4. I like this alot!
    I'm sure there are many things for storage I'd LOVE over there!


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