EcoStoreUSA = Eco Friendly - Review

Being a mom, I have slowly started noticing that the things we use everyday really are not always the best option.
Yes, there are several products that we use...
Simply put, because that is the brand that my family has used as long as I can remember.

I was very excited to have the opportunity to review a couple of products from EcoStoreUSA.
The hard part?
Deciding what I wanted to review.

The first thing I wanted to try was their Auto Dish Powder.
(You can purchase this for $8.50)
I mean, if it is cleaning the dishes that we then EAT off of, shouldn't they be safe?
When I saw that it was plant based, I thought that might just be pretty safe! :)
The dishes came out clean, as I hoped they would...
Although a couple loads had to run again...
Not sure why, but the part where you put the detergent never opened a couple times.
Now, I have never used powdered detergent, so I am not sure if this is normal or not...
So, I fault the dishwasher, not the product!
It happened 2 times.
I was a bit skeptical that they would clean all the food off, but then again, I am not like some people, I pretty much wash the dishes before I put them in the dishwasher... Always have.

The other product I was able to review was the SleepyTime Bath.
(You can purchase this for $8.50)
Broxton is ALWAYS wound up...
Always, he hates to sleep...
Has been that way since the day he was born.
I think he is just so worried he might miss an ounce of excitement.
So, of course, I would pick this...
Just to try and see.

Now, we all know that it did not make Broxton fall asleep in the tub, or immediately after...
But, it does give the aroma of relaxation and peace.
I really liked that the Sleepytime bath is more of an "aromatherapy" than a bubble bath.
You just use one capful.
It doesn't bubble up the tub, but it sure smells nice.
I have used it for myself a few times!
Who says there is an age limit?

I think that this is a must have for parents with little ones with sensitive skin.
When Broxton was a baby, we mostly used the plain, boring bath products, since he could not use anything with the fragrance/chemicals due to his eczema.
I just wonder if this would be safe...
I think so, but hey...
I just think it would be okay and it has not caused Broxton any problems....
Click here to see the ingredients used.

Please, join up to follow EcoStoreUSA on Twitter and Facebook.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. I will have to try this! I don't like bubbles all the time but love the bed time bath items!


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