Lock It Up- WordLock Review

With Marc having a locker at work ...
and footlockers when deployed...
We know all to much about locks and what not.

A while back, we were out and about, he needed to swing by his job to get something, but needless to say, he did not have his key on him.
Instead of a quick stop, we had to come all the way home, then go all the way back over...
That could have all been eliminated if we had owned the WordLock then!

I was so happy to find out that we would be able to review the WordLock!
Marc picked out the black one...
I think he should have gone with Pink, just saying!
But seriously, I like how they offer more than just your basic silver lock.
You can pick between Red, Pink, Silver or Black.

Once we got it in the mail, it quickly was opened and placed on his locker.
No more worrying about keys now!
I asked Marc how he was enjoying it...

The only thing he did not LOVE about it, was the fact that a couple of the words he picked would not work.
That is a good thing though, they only allow for your "locked word" to be 5 letters.
Also, they only have so many letters that can be used on each turn.
I guess they could expand, to include them all...
but that would just make the lock big and bulky instead of small and sleek like it is now!

Not to worry, he was able to use another word and all is well!
I know that this would be cute for kids in school...
(Do they still have lockers with locks these days?)
Especially ones that have a hard time with keeping up with things...
This way, no key, just a word that YOU picked!

Another great thing with the WordLock?
You can choose from several different kinds.
We picked the padlock.
They also offer BIKE locks, LUGGAGE locks and COMMERCIAL use locks.

Final thing to share with you..
They are currently running a campaign on facebook.
It is simple to do and it donates money to the American Heart Association!
Just head over to the WordLock Facebook page.
Once you click "like" - they donate 10 cents!
You can also take their poll to see where your "word of love" falls in with other poll takers!

What are you waiting for?
Head over and LIKE them now!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


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