Looking for a kid coozie? Try Kidzikoo! Review

You know how adults have coozies?
Come on...
You know what I am talking about!
I gave coozies out at my wedding!
Hey, lots of people do that these days, I don't think my parents loved the idea, but we did!

Now, kids have Kidzikoos!!!!
Lindsay is the creator of them and I think they are amazing!
Lindsay not only came up with a great product...
I mean, if we use them for our drinks, why would they NOT be great for kids?
Let me give more insight:
They keep your drinks cold (or hot, depending on what you are drinking)
They help distinguish your little one's bottle/sippy cup from others.
They absorb moisture, so no wet water rings on the furniture!
Now, we never used glass bottles, but it says that it "protects glass bottles."

As soon as we opened it, Broxton immediately wanted to put it on his cup!
I was excited to see which one we got, as I was having a hard time picking the print I liked best!
We received the Landon print and Broxton just LOVES it!!!
The great thing is that you can move it from cup to cup...
and it is machine washable!
I love that they grip the cup enough that he can not yank it off, but it is also easy enough that I can pinch the bottom and pull it off when I need to!

I think they are just too cute!
Before all is said and done, I just might have to order one for me!
For only $6.99, I think it is a great deal!
I just do not know if Broxton would like me having a kidzikoo and trying to be cool like him!
If you head over to the Kidzikoo site, you can enter to win a kidzikoo of your choice!
Just remember, the contest ends June 30th, so head over now!!!

Also, stay up to date with any new kidzikoo information by following on twitter!!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


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