Crazy Days of Summer Photo Challenge - Week Seven - Critters

I was a bit worried about what I would take pictures of for the Photo Challenge of Critters...
When we went to visit my parents, my mom wanted to take Broxton and I to see a bunch of baby frogs...
We got there and saw a couple!
Not what she had seen the day before, but at least there were some...

Not sure what kind of frog this is, so if you know...
Let us know, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

This is the little frog in a water bottle...
Again in the water bottle.
Again in the water bottle.
The little frog beside my moms thumb!
We put the frogs in a jar for Broxton to look at!!!!

That was enough Critter for me!!!!


  1. What a teensy-weensy frog! Cute nonetheless!

  2. They are so tiny! Cute photos!

  3. It looks like a toad to me. Maybe an American or Woodhouse toad. Was his skin bumpy and dry (toad) or slick and wet (frog)?

  4. I don't mind frogs so much as the bugs! Very cute!

  5. Now that is so cool! I know my kids would LOVE that. Sorry- but I don't know what kind it is. But I will be checking back with you to see if you find out- so please post it when you do.

  6. Kind of cute but more for kids than for adults, right:)

  7. Girl, that is more than enough "critter" for me too! lol
    Thanks for joining Alicia and I again for the Crazy Days of Summer Photo Challenge. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with next Friday when we move on to our new theme, motion. Hope you're having a great weekend. :)

  8. To funny. You sound like Kristi. She was a bit freaked out about this theme. My kids are always trying to rummage up a bottle for a little toad or frog. lol. Fun captures!

  9. Love those little frogs!


  10. I love little frogs. The dogs like to play with them and I'm always picking them up for the dogs to play with. HaHa
    Lorie of The Shewbridges


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