Love Aquariums? Check out @TNAquarium

Day One Part Two:
Tennessee Aquarium

While we were in Chattanooga, we were thrilled for the chance to go and check out the Tennessee Aquarium! They are always advertising it on the Atlanta channels, so to have the chance to go and check it out was something we were really hoping we had the chance to do!

The great thing about Chattanooga is that they have free shuttles!
We just parked our car at the hotel (more on that tomorrow) and then we took the shuttle to the Aquarium!
Once we were dropped off (the shuttle station is like half a block from the Aquarium) we were first greeted with a "Southern Belle" welcoming us to Chattanooga!
I totally wish I would have taken a picture of her, but we were so excited to get to the Aquarium, we didn't get one!

We went to the ticket building and were told to start our journey!!!!
The Tennessee Aquarium is actually in two buildings!

We started out by going to the River Journey.
Oh, let me tell you...
The Aquarium is a multi-level attraction.
You get there take escalators to the top.
Once there, you work your way down on these ramps...
(Great for Wheel Chairs and Strollers!)
The windows to view everything are large enough that several groups of people can look at the same time.
One thing that Marc and I both noticed?
Each level is also a different "river" with different fish in it.
Once you move to the different river, the music they play when you enter is in relations to that area...
(Mississippi Delta had Zydeco Music, Tennessee River had Blue Grass Type.)

Okay, there was so much to do, so don't hold me to it that each of my statements are in order...
Please :)
But, when we got to the River Journey...
You first walk in and there is the room where the "Ranger Rick's Backyard Safari" is located.
They also have one of those cute photo ops where you can stick your head in the thing to make it look like your head is in the tank with the fish!
Of course, all kids loved that... INCLUDING Broxton!
See my little fish?
While we were in the Ranger Rick area, one of their staff members came out.
She had a snake and the kids LOVED it!!!
Broxton of course wanted to go over and have a look.
Marc was showing him how he could pet it.
The lady even squatted down and was telling Broxton all about the snake!
I had to laugh, as every time he would pet the snake, he IMMEDIATELY had to wipe his hands off on his shirt!
A major PLUS for me?
Whenever there was an exhibit where you touched the animals, they always had a hand sanitizing area!
So, after being down there and looking at all of that, we hit the escalators to start our journey.
It was so neat!
I have never seen an Aquarium like this:
It was not just fish tanks everywhere...
They incorporated the actual surroundings for some of the areas!!!!
They even had birds flying around!
You can click here to see all the different animals that are at the Aquarium!

We got to see the otters!
They were playing and until then, I had never noticed just how fast they were!
Also, it was at the otter station that I noticed the Audio Tour.
You can call from your cell phone and put in what stop you are at (the otters are number 2) and it tells you about the exhibit!

Marc was having fun taking pictures of the barracuda and all the big ugly fish!
Broxton was on a mission to find Nemo and Dory...
I was so excited to see the turtles and frogs!!!
They even have the Worlds Largest Turtle Shell there!
But, can you imagine my excitement to see these?
Once you walk out from one of the buildings, heading to the next...
You have tons of water space to enjoy along the way!
Broxton saw all the kids playing, so he wanted to take a quick break before going into the other building...
As if the first building wasn't enough excitement...
When we headed to the other part of the Aquarium...
You got to touch the stingrays!
Broxton was determined to touch one, pretty much trying to dive in there to attempt a better reach!
Once you left that area, they had hand dryers for you to dry up..
IN THE design of a SHARKS mouth! :)
They also had plenty of hand sanitizing stations...
We then headed to the butterfly area.
They constantly warn you to watch for "hitch hikers" when you leave that area, as they like to try and hitch a ride out of there!
There was this beautiful blue one that I really wanted to get a picture of...
Of course, it lands on Marc and then would NOT open its wings...
That thing wanted to come home with us...
As Marc walked around and everything trying to get it to fly off...
With no luck!
Broxton was just confused trying to figure out why he could not touch it...
After the beauty of the butterflies, we then went to visit the penguins!
They were all having naptime or something, since none of them wanted to play or anything, but since we enjoy watching Happy Feet, Broxton enjoyed watching them sleep.
That was just the half of it...
There were all sorts of things and we had a blast!!!!

Then, for all kids...
The water play area out side the Aquarium!!!!
There are steps that have water running down them:
That ends up in a covered pool type area.
That looks out over the water!
It seems as though this is both a great place for tourists, as well as locals!

We had such a great time there...
The problem is, if we had to pick a favorite Aquarium, we would not be able to!
It is so different from anything we had ever been to!
I mean, the whole atmosphere of it all was just amazing!
If you are in or near, try to make a stop there to check it all out!!!

Have you ever been to the Tennessee Aquarium?

Please follow the Tennessee Aquarium on Facebook and Twitter!

***** We received complimentary passes to go and visit the Tennessee Aquarium.
All opinions (and pictures) are my own. *****


  1. Looks like a great aquarium!! I want to take Alex... I think she'll love watching all the fish and stuff : )

  2. That looks like such a wonderful place to visit! I love the watery steps, and like you, the colorful frogs are a fave!

  3. I've never been there before! I've gone to aquariums with similar exhibits but never in one place. I'll definitely have to take a trip out there one day!

  4. You have been to the best places this summer!

  5. Like the pics! Never been there or to the choo choo either. Not sure I can go to the aquarium now that I see there are snakes there!!!!


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