@naturalhousepro #giveaway

If you are anything like me...
You hate to clean.

Now, I want a clean house... but the cleaning just isn't FUN to me.
I wish I could just wake up and it be perfect each and every day.

I have found a product that can help me towards that goal..
No, not a maid... Not a magic potion...
Well, sort of like a magic potion!

Have you heard of Natural House?
It is pretty cool! Long story short... You know how you hear probiotics take care of the bad bacteria? Well, Natural House is a NATURAL cleaning line that keeps cleaning long after you stop!!!! Natural Household Cleaning Products! You read that right! With other cleaners, you clean and then with me, I rinse after cleaning to make sure no chemicals are left behind.
With this, it is safe to clean and go...

Here is the email to better explain it:

Here's a little more info about why our all-natural cleaning products are superior to those currently on the market!
  • Our products use an eco-friendly cleaning method of probiotics that create a beneficial, odor eating ecosystem to naturally drive out and digest odors at their source.
  • Natural House's plant-based ingredients are eco-friendly, non-toxic and biodegradable to naturally fight the toughest problems you face in your house.
  • Our products, Sinky and Flushy even break down and digest fats, oil, grease, and solid waste to ensure your disposal, pipes, drain lines or septic tank run smoothly.
  • Our cleaners contain good probiotics which continue to scour, clean, consume odors, grime, grease, and germs, and they continue to do so until your next weekly treatment!
  • We earned the coveted Retailers’ Choice Award” at the 2011 National Hardware Show!
So how exactly does probiotic household cleaners work?
  • The surfaces in your house are like a garden. If you don’t seed with good plants, weeds will grow. You have the same choice with your household surfaces: sanitize for a moment with harsh chemicals leaving your surface open to recontamination or seed with probiotics to continuously weed out the bad micro-organisms.
  • Traditional cleaners “clean” a surface for a moment in time; the second the rag is finished wiping the surface, that surface is almost instantly polluted once again with ambient dust, dirt, and micro-organisms.
  • Natural House probiotics creates mini-ecosystem on a microbial level that produces enzymes which break down odors, dirt, fats, oil, grease, food scraps, waste and toilet paper products on a continuous basis between applications. This creates a natural, clean, balanced environment that is safe for even the most sensitive members of yournatural house.
  • The action is in the foam! When using your Natural House products be sure and let it foam first to release the cleaning agents before going to the next step on the package directions.
The short and skinny of it is this... our natural probiotic cleaners keep on cleaning long after you've stopped!

First up, we tried Sinky.
I put it in the garbage disposal side and it went right down... I was a bit curious as to if I did it right or wrong, as I could not see anything for results... I figured the next time, I would try it in the sink side. So, the following week, sink side it was. I was impressed! It was simple to use, no worry about cleaning products getting all over you... The foaming action (and nice clean smell) let me know that I made a better choice going this route and I was happy!

Then, my least favorite job of all..
The bathroom. We tried Flushy.
I loved how it started bubbling up and foaming. NO, nothing crazy to cause alarm... Broxton was in awe of how that little packet did that and the blue color was just too cool to him!

The final test was Trashy.
I admit, I was spraying this on all the trashcans. I can not STAND to smell trash. So, I was eager to see what the smell would be. It was so subtle that I could barely tell... but I did smell a bit of a mentholy scent.

Out of all the products, I think that Flushy was my favorite.
I guess because I hate cleaning the bathroom the most (that is normally left for Marc) and seeing it foam up and smelling the cleanliness...

I also like that you buy one little package of this and it is enough cleaner for a month!!
Yes, you get 4 packages and you use it once a week. All for around $5 per package!

You can purchase Natural House Products right off of their home page by clicking here.
OR- you can purchase them through Amazon by clicking here.

One lucky reader is going to win a months supply of all three products!!!

Mandatory Entry:
Tell me which product you most want to try.
(Please leave email address if not visible in your profile.)

Extra Entries:
(Lots of ways to gain entries, just leave a SEPARATE comment forEACHentry.)
Follow Jumpin Beans Blog, must be public - 1 entry
Subscribe to Jumpin Beans by email, must be verified - 1 entry
Follow Jumpin Beans on Twitter and/ or Facebook - 1 entry each
Follow Natural House on Twitter and/or Facebook - 1 entry each
You can tweet daily : 1 entry per day
Enter to #win @naturalhousepro #giveaway @jumpinbeans09
http://tinyurl.com/3hyjvlj ends 11/6

Sponsoring company is responsible for shipment of prize. Jumpin Beans Blog will do everything available to ensure prize shipment is fulfilled, but can not be held responsible.

Contest will end November 6 at midnight.
Contest for US - residents 18 and older.
Random.org will select the winner.
Winner will have 72 hours to respond to winning email or a new winner will be selected.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. I'd love: Trash Can Deodorizer and Scrubber
    alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM

  2. Follow Jumpin Beans Blog
    alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM

  3. Follow Jumpin Beans on FB. alissa spiehs-a
    alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM

  4. Follow Natural House on Twitter
    alissa apel
    alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM

  5. Tweeted

    alissa apel
    alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM

  6. I want to try Flushy


  7. gfc follower


  8. email subscriber


  9. email subscriber

    amybabya79 at yahoo.com

  10. I follow you on FB. Amy Carlson

    amybabya79 at yahoo.com

  11. NH on twitter @ambabya

    amybabya79 at yahoo.com

  12. NH on FB. AMy Carlson

    amybabya79 at yahoo.com

  13. I would like to try the Flushy because I hate cleaning toilets!

    colljerr at comcast dot net

  14. I follow your blog via GFC. (ColleenM)

    colljerr at comcast dot net

  15. I follow you on Facebook. (Colleen Maurina)

    colljerr at comcast dot net

  16. I follow Natural House on Facebook. (Colleen Maurina)

    colljerr at comcast dot net

  17. My garbage disposal is pretty stinky sometimes so I'd like to try the Sinky product most. arobimom at gmail dot com

  18. Follow on GFC. arobimom at gmail dot com

  19. email subscriber. arobimom at gmail dot com

  20. Follow on Twitter @monkeygrl59. arobimom at gmail dot com

  21. FB friend. arobimom at gmail dot com

  22. Follow Natural House on Twitter. arobimom at gmail dot com

  23. http://twitter.com/#!/monkeygrl59/status/130780383657738241. tweet. arobimom at gmail dot com

  24. i want to try flushy
    nannypanpan at gmail.com

  25. I'd like to try Trashy
    mearley1979 at gmail dot com

  26. follow natural house on twitter
    mearley1979 at gmail dot com

  27. I wanna try trashy the most.
    meltheplux at gmail dot com

  28. Follow Jumpin Beans Blog (Melanie M)
    meltheplux at gmail dot com

  29. email subscriber
    meltheplux at gmail dot com

  30. Twitter follower (Meltheplux)
    meltheplux at gmail dot com

  31. FB fan (Melanie M)
    meltheplux at gmail dot com

  32. Follow Natural House on Twitter (Meltheplux)
    meltheplux at gmail dot com

  33. Follow Natural House on FB (Melanie M)
    meltheplux at gmail dot com

  34. https://twitter.com/#!/Meltheplux/status/133093243360514048
    meltheplux at gmail dot com


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