Ha ha!!! Found a great book for moms!!!!

Even if you are not a first time mom, this book will have you laughing at times!
I love a good book and this is one!!!

It gets easier! ... And other lies we tell new mothers by Claudine Wolk is a great read!!!
I wanted to read it to see what all was in it...

This really is a cute book.
Long story short, Claudine Wolk was just like every other mother out there...
She thought she was prepared for motherhood... then BOOM.
Once she came home from the hospital and was a mom, she realized there were still questions needed to be answered... Top it off, her little one was crying and she couldn't find a solution!!!!
So, she turned to those who knew best... Other moms!
Now, she tells the not so loudly broadcast secrets of moms all over!!!

I will say, I found myself laughing at some parts...
When talking about the birth plan:
In reality:
"Husband rubs your back for about ten minutes and then exclaims that his wrist hurts."

I love how each section has a paragraphed summary to make me laugh a bit again!
She also talks about "take the products home."
Luckily for me a friend that had not to long before given birth told me about this...
She said to take everything we could and to request things...
So, we did...
I ended up having a C-section, so the panties that the hospital gave us were great.. I asked for extra and wore them at home until they ran out... Please tell me that I am not the only one! (Once again, another friend told me about the panties.)

I really enjoyed how truthful this book was!
I did feel as though I was talking with another friend about having a baby...
It was great!
The things we do discuss, breastfeeding, leaving the baby in the nursery so you can rest, visitors...
To those that you do not talk about, stocking up on pads, letting people help you out in the beginning...

From discussing returning to work, getting back your pre-baby body and more..
Not to mention today's television...
TLC baby story and Supernanny...

This is a book for today's generation!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. This sounds like a fun read!

  2. Thanks for the great review, Noelle, so glad you liked the book. Feel free to offer a giveaway copy to your audience. I would be happy to ship a copy to your winner!


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