Transport Yourself to Hawaii

It might be cold where you are... It is JUST starting to get that way here...
One day last week it was in the mid 70's...
Then, yesterday it was like 31.

Either way...
Stop with all the hustle and bustle and take a minute of me time.
Transport yourself to Hawaii.
By stopping and enjoying a nice snack on Hawaiian Kettle Chips!

We were sent all four flavors of Hawaiian Kettle Style Potato Chips and the boys and I loved them.
Now, I had tried them before, but none of us have ever tried Wasabi flavor...
I am not a fan of hot/spicy...   I gave them to the boys first!
No, I am not evil.... They like hot/spicy more than I do...
They said it wasn't at all... So, I tried them.
Wow! I never in a million years would have bought them, but after trying them...
They were really good and we will have them again!
 My favorite of them all?
The Sweet Maui Onion.
Now that is so good!  I loved them!  I will admit, I am not that nice... I did not share!
They had the Wasabi and the BBQ, I had the Sweet Maui Onion all to myself!
The BBQ really are great, but they are a "sweet spicy" which means the heat sort of sneaks up on you and then... BAM.  Hot! (Well, they are to me, the boys.. not so much...)
We still have the original left...
They will be inhaled as fast as the others, so I saved them for last!

I loved the thickness (they do seem a bit thicker than other kettle chips) and the flavor...
It seems as though each and every chip is covered in seasonings... That made me smile!

Not that you need another reason to love them, but... they give back.
This year, they are donating 5,000 bags of chips to go into care packages for our troops!!!
They also will be giving out samples at an MS walk this upcoming year!!!!
Love to see companies giving back to the community!!!!

Follow them on facebook.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


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