I guess Leappad from @LeapFrog is the IT toy right now...

We put much thought into what we wanted to get Broxton for his birthday...
Instead of toys, we wanted to get him the Leappad from Leapfrog...
Family and friends gave us money and that is our plan...

But, I had no clue that it was the IT toy...
So, we have traveled ALL over the area looking...
No luck!  We have tried to buy online...
No luck!
Even the Leap Frog store is out of stock!!!!
Image from the Leap Frog Store.

Has this ever happened to you?
What toys was it?
I feel like this was how parents felt during the craze of Tickle Me Elmo days!!!!


  1. This really looks like a great toy/tool!

  2. Mine was Cabbage Patch Dolls and Nintendo w/the Power Pad. Good luck Noey. Do you have family/friends in another state? Maybe they can find it? Maybe see if Brooke can find one in OH? Love you all! Hil


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