We LOVE Our New Game - Morphology Review

Marc is not normally one to play board games with me.
We have tried to play before and he is just not a fan of them at all.
That means for the most part, I don't play them.
When I try to play with the boys, they start cheating and fighting... To the point where I quit as I just can not take it anymore.

We received a game for review and I was eager to play it with the boys... but the last time we saw them, it was a bit to hectic to try and settle down for a board game.  So, Marc and I tried it ourselves.

Have you heard of Morphology?
It is a game for 4 players or more... but Marc and I really had a great time just the two of us.
We were laughing so hard and Broxton even tried to get in on the game as well!  You should have seen us.
Morphology is really a game to get your creative side going.  I know that this would have been a blast back in my single days!  Yes, we had times of us all getting together for different games... Sometimes it was before we went out... Sometimes it was AFTER we had been out and yet other times that was what we did all night INSTEAD of going out!

This is that sort of game.
Let me try to explain it to you...
The game pieces are actually cute little frogs.  ( I love FAKE frogs, so that was already a plus for me!)
Then, you have to roll and see what number you get... The number depends upon what items you can use to make your project.  You draw a card and the word on the card is what you have to create.
It is like pictionary meets charades, but you can not draw/talk or act it out!
You have to CREATE it!!!
You can use the string, the plastic cubes, the wooden pegs, glass stones, or any of the objects (at least when you first start, you can...) Then, as the game progresses, you might have to create your word with your eyes closed or something else...

As I said, Marc and I played... and we were laughing so hard!  Some words left us with : " Just HOW are you supposed to do that!?"  to "Oh!  I should've guessed that one!"
The game says it is geared for 13 and older... but truthfully, I think that Marc's 11 year old would have a blast playing.  None of the words that we saw were to "mature" for him... The words are things like Canoe, bacon and eggs, and others like so!

I can not wait to play this again...

Marc was awesome at it... Any guesses what this was?
If you want me to tell you, let me know and I will tell you if you guessed correctly!  

As for mine... Not so well...
I was trying to do a BRAIN.  This was the last of my efforts... No, he never guessed it!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


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