Time to Doodle and Have Fun with Doodle Roll

I don't know about your house... But around here, we like to stay busy...creative, artsy, fun, excited... and yes, we love to nap and lounge around too! 

But, back to the exciting part of it all!!!
Whenever we go anywhere, I try to have something for Broxton to be entertained...

If we are going somewhere that we might be a bit, I try to bring a couple books or something... 

I have now found a new idea to add to our creativity bag! 
The Doodle Roll!
Have you heard of it?!  
It is such a great idea, I am wondering why it has not been around for ages...

You know how some restaurants have kids coloring pages? Well, it is like that... but better!

The Doodle Roll is a cute and compact item.  (Meaning, you can throw it in your purse or diaper bag... )

It is a roll of paper (you pick, large or small roll... that means 15 or 30 feet!)
Also with the roll, it comes in a simple plastic carry case... WITH the crayons... and the carry case?  Yeah, it is a double duty thing... it can also be used to tear the paper!  
What a great idea!  

Back when I used to work in the sports bar... We would have parents bring their family in... and we were not a place to offer paper and crayons... this would have been a nice suggestion to the parents... 
(No, not being rude.. remember I was there for ages... They were all like a second family to me.. I totally could have suggested that they might want to get these to have in their car for places such as ours...) 

If you visit the Doodle Roll site, you will see the picture on their home-screen shows two kids coloring...

This would be a great party project.. rainy day fun.. or just a great everyday item to have!  

Broxton is going to love this.. One for my purse and one for the house... for now...

I know more will come over time!

Will you do me a favor?  From now until April 3rd... 
Doodle Roll is in a contest to "GET ON THE SHELF" at Wal-Mart... 
It only takes a second to vote... So, will you head on over and vote for them? 

Just click HERE to go vote...
Thanks so much!
You can vote daily from your facebook / text message.

This would be a great Easter idea... or stocking stuffer... never to early to start preparing!
(Broxton will be getting his in his Easter Basket!)
I personally think that this would be great for trips too... Not just in the car, but on the plane... and once you get to your destination!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation .


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