Little Pim Books Help to Learn New Languages

Marc and I have already discussed how we want Broxton to learn a second language.. and we want to start him on it early in life.  I had read that the earlier you begin teaching them, the easier it is for them to learn...
So, when we saw that they incorporated Spanish into his lessons once he is in the 4 year old class, I was pretty excited about that!  

The other day, we received a couple books for review and I was surprised that it was teaching 2 new languages!    To be honest, I had heard of Little Pim before, but I thought it was just teaching one new language at a time.  We received two Little Pim books:   Feelings and Colors.  The cool thing?  They taught Spanish and French in the same book!  

I will admit, it was easier for me working with the colors book, since I did take Spanish in high-school and remembered a little of it.      By opening the first page, I was given a quick look at how this book would work.  You first meet Little Pim and he is looking for things that are RED.  (The word is in the color red and then it is followed by the Spanish word and then the French word.  Both words are in red and both have the enunciation after it .  Like this:   red / rojo [RRo-hoh] / rouge [rooozh]

Here is where it gets fun for kids!    The opposite page is in greyscale with flaps on the pictures.  Since you are helping Little Pim look for things that are red... would you flip the flap for a firetruck? A frog?  A balloon?  Then, you have the french word for yes  with the different ways to say a red firetruck... or spanish yes with ways to say red balloon.  For the frog, we know it is green, so it says No.  This frog isn't red.  

The next page is a different scene and instead of flipping flaps, you get to slide tabs!  
The final page is a summary of the different colors that you learned through the book!  

I though it was super cute and not only was it a fun lesson with his colors, it was fun working on learning new languages!  
The other book that we reviewed was Little Pim Feelings.  

I particularly enjoyed this as I was able to talk to Broxton about his feelings more.  
We have been talking about being happy, sad, mad, and so forth, but it was nice to have this book to talk about the expressions and I once again enjoyed the illustrations of Little Pim mixed in with the actual photographs of the discussion.  In Feelings, we had pictures of kids faces.  We were able to discuss the feelings, the language, the expressions and more while reading this...

Image: NVision Photography
The best part for me is that not only do we read these together and work on languages.. 
Broxton will also sit and flip through the book without me there.  I even walked into his room this morning and he had them both on display on his easel.

If you are wanting to work with your little ones on a second language, I say to try these books and see how Little Pim can help you.    Not only has this been great for him, it was nice to have a refresher for me!  

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.  


  1. These look like wonderful books! How fun to learn a new language.


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