Aloha Friday, Living...

It is Friday!  Are you excited?  Well, I am ... Not because it is friday, just because it is another day!
Today, I am linking up with Kailani... 

Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday. 
In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend.

Since so many of my friends are moving... 
My question to you: 

How many states/countries have you lived in?
Feel free to share which ones....

My answer, just one...

Have a great weekend!!!!!!!


  1. lived in only one visited just a few

  2. I've been to 48, but I've lived in just 4 of them.

  3. Two countries and two states :)
    Happy Friday!

  4. Michigan, California and Florida. ;)

  5. I've also visited all of the states except for 9 and I've been on holiday in Shanghai, London, Mexico, Canada, Argentina, Uruguay, Spain, The Caribbean and I think that's it. I do LOVE to travel.

  6. I've lived in Ill and somewhat in Fla.

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Let's see...I grew up in Washington State and have lived in Oregon, Michigan, New York and Pennsylvania - and am looking forward to moving back to Washington State next year! :)

    The Sears Auto Center Incident

  8. Just two! I have lived in Virginia and South Carolina.

  9. Two so far, Missouri and Maryland, moving to PA in a month though!

  10. MI, MO, ND, IA

    Thanks for visiting my AF

  11. Just Texas. Don't think I'd want to live anywhere else except maybe southern California - but only for the weather. I really doubt I'd like it anywhere else.

  12. I've lived in Connecticut and now Florida, but like Cathi, I've traveled to several different countries: Canada & Mexico (which really don't count because they are connected to us - HaHa), but also Ireland, Italy, Greece, Turkey, and lots of the islands in the Caribbean.

  13. Just one here too . . . Hawaii!

  14. FL, GA, CA and soon TN! :)

  15. Bringing back #AlohaFriday come join us! #bloghop


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