SuperPretzel Sweet Cinnamon Hits the Spot - Dessert or Snack

 If you aren't hungry... You might be before you finish this post...
We were recently sent a delicious sampling of the New SuperPretzel Sweet Cinnamon... 

Talk about delish... Yeah, it sure was!  
Broxton saw them as soon as he opened the freezer and needed to know what it was and when he could try one... He had a good day at school, so that was his afternoon snack that day!  
The box of Super Pretzels has 6 pretzels and then the sugar/cinnamon mixture packet... 

You just throw your pretzel on a plate, zap it in the microwave and then top it with a bit of the sweet cinnamon topping ... then you enjoy!  I was worried that I was going to need something to dip it in, as I did not want it to be too dry... There was no need for anything, as it was just right!  (You don't even have to use the topping, unless you want to, but who am I to pass that up?!)

Now, Broxton and I have just been enjoying eating them plain... (okay, yes... with the topping) but there are so many other ways that you can enjoy: plain, topped with cinnamon sugar, dunked in icing, dipped in chocolate sauce or sandwiched with ice cream.  ( No lie, I had help with the other ways to eat them... as I was just focusing on how great they were... )

One more thing... 

They even sent a recipe, so if you want to try making French Toast....
 - Prepare a usual French Toast mixture using eggs, milk, sugar and vanilla. 
- Warm your SUPERPRETZEL Sweet Cinnamon soft pretzels according to the directions on the box. 
- Coat both sides of each prepared Sweet Cinnamon soft pretzel and cook on a hot skillet until golden brown on both the top and the bottom. 
- Top with syrup or enjoy all on it's own!
You can follow SuperPretzel on Facebook.
FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. 
Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. I need a good pretzel.
    I swear to you what they say about first impressions do last.

    I had pretzel my first time here in America and it was awful, bitter. I can't get over it :) And I've had good pretzels after that!

  2. My mom used to buy us these. They were just the plain ones, but they were so good! I should buy some sometime. I also have a recipe to make some.

  3. Now i'm hungry.. Gonna have to get my butt to Giant Eagle and buy some of these :D

  4. Yum - A tasty pretzel with cinnamon and a nice bowl of ice cream! Life doesn't get much better than that.

  5. These look delicious! I had no idea they made these, definitely something to look for, thanks!


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