Fuzzwipper Find Good Listeners Review

We were sent the second book in the Fuzzwippers series and we quickly opened it to see what was in store.  (Broxton seems to still have a problem listening, so I wanted to see if this might help him out.) The book is called Fuzzwippers Find Good Listeners.   The book starts with one of the Fuzzwippers (fuzzoola )and his friend.  They were worried that others would not be able to  understand each other like they did, so fuzzoola helped to write a book helping other kids and fuzzwippers understand each other.  They actually helped one another to explain to others....  Best of all, they teach that you need to listen... as they whispered an important message...
Nope, not going to tell you what it is... You need to read it to find out. 
The author even has added listener tips for kids and parents at the end of the book.

Here are a few lessons for kids in the classroom, from the author:

1.   Smile, be still and relax. Don’t worry or think about anything other than what the teacher is saying.  Your teacher has put a lot of work into preparing your lesson, so sit back and enjoy.
2.   Look at your teacher when she is speaking and what your teacher is showing.  Things on the board or items passed around are easier to understand when you stay focused.
3.   Listen for clues.  The words, tone of voice and even readings are all a part of the message.  You don’t want to miss out on anything, and that way, you will ask better questions and remember more about what you are learning.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. We are working on using our ears at my house. This book would be great for my guy.

  2. Sometimes we have to practice good listening skills at our house.

  3. That is a good life skill to learn and practice. We are practicing our quiet voice in the house.. hope the book helps him

  4. We always try and learn good listening skills at our house, dosent work too well at times lol!

    Tammy dalley

  5. This looks like a great book and I love the word fuzzwippers, lol


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