Help With Portion Control @FreshBabyBiz

If portion control is something that you need to work on, then I have a product that you need to look into.
I was recently made aware of a company called Fresh baby and I am impressed.
We were sent a couple of their items and now I get to share with you!!!
First up,  the toddler plate.

We were also sent the adult portion plate as well.
With both of these plates, they are divided into sections.
You have fruit, vegetables, protein and grain.  I love that they are sectioned off so that kids (and adults alike) can see what they need to be eating more and less of.  I also love that they have both an adult and kids plate.  It is sometimes hard to teach a child to do one thing, when you as the teacher are doing another!  This will help to not only tell, but also to show.

Finally, we were sent the Toddler Cookbook.
This is a 48 page book that contains 35 recipes (that also includes recipes and nutritional information) to help make meal time better.

If you know someone that is trying to make a healthy change, this would be something to either buy them or tell them about.  As we all know, anything that can help is always greatly appreciated! 

Right now, if you enter the code: jumpinbeans you will save 30% on any of the items that I mentioned in my review ! Who could not use a little help saving money this year? 

Don't forget to follow Fresh Baby on Facebook and Twitter.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. I LOVE the toddler plate, what a great idea! I think my girls would really like these too!


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