Cirque Du Soleil - Worlds Away

I can not remember if  I have ever actually watched a live Cirque Du Soleil, or if I have watched shows that have attempted to try and be like it.  I know my parents have seen it live and every time the tent goes up near us for the show, I say I want to go...

Until that happens, I can now watch in the comforts of my own home.
Don't get me wrong, I know it is totally different live versus on disc, but it was pretty amazing to watch this either way.  I had it on and next thing I knew, Marc was watching with me.
In Cirque Du Soleil, Worlds Away, we have this girl that enters what looks to be a county fair/circus and is persuaded to enter the tent to watch an Aerial Show... The Aerial Artist falls off and is sucked up in a quick-sand type flooring... the girl that entered to watch heads to try and save him and the rest of the movie shows the girl on a mission seeking to find the acrobat from the start.
The fact that we get up close on the excitement of the Cirque Du Soleil is so neat to me.
There were several times when Marc even made comments out loud about how cool something was...
and when they did the scene with the guys in the circles in the air ( Not a clue in the world what it is called, but it is by far my favorite thing to watch at the circus and even more so now up close on here!)

Cirque Du Soleil : Worlds Away has us travelling through several "tents" and watching the magic and beauty of an actual Cirque Du Soleil performance.
If you are one that loves aerial shows like this... or if you are not sure if Cirque Du Soleil is for you, I say grab a copy and enjoy!!!!!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. I so want to go to a cirgue du Soleil show. I am hoping I can get this dvd

  2. We saw one during the holidays and it was good! I'd like to see this DVD, I'm sure we will at some point. I read a great write-up on it in the paper a few months ago too, and became intrigued. Happy to hear it's out.

  3. Do you mean the one where they were running around the spinning circle things? That WAS cool!

  4. I have one of them. It's really cool!


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