Teaching Safety - I Can Play It Safe {Review}

I need to start this post by saying a HUGE thank you to Elena over at Free Spirit Publishing.
I love blogging and I love reading other blogs.  I was talking to a friend about "stranger danger" and I thought for sure that I should look to see what Free Spirit had to offer.  To be honest with you, I have no clue how to talk to that about Broxton.
I mean, I want my son to be friendly and sociable... BUT, I DO NOT want anything to happen to him.  That also means I do not want him to be scared of people, but I don't want him to trust too much... Know what I mean?

Having worked with Elena before, I emailed her about the book, I Can Play It Safe by Alison Feigh,  as I was not really sure if it was what I was looking for... but I know that Broxton loves reading and if it would help me at all, I wanted to check it out... 

As soon as the book arrived, I smiled so big... Thankful that Elena sent it along for me to review. 
I will say, the approach to this subject is a bit different than I expected and in the beginning, I was wondering where we were headed....

"When I am playing and having fun, I sometimes imagine that I am an airplane..." 
Okay, I was lost... then I turned the page...  
It was a comparison.... the child in the book checks in with the person in charge... the same way a plane would prepare for a trip.  (Loved this, as it was easier to explain to Broxton when it was a plane AND a person being careful!)

One big section I was happy for:   Secrets and Surprises.  I was happy to see this explained and related on a kids level...
This book also discussed private area's and it was very reassuring to read that even the author says "... it isn't my fault... " 
Kids always need to know that...  as most kids are always looking for approval. 

As with all Free Spirit books, the end of the book includes an adult section. 
The very first mentions "stranger danger."  I am guilty of calling it this... and after reading I need to make sure to watch what I say... Not all strangers are bad... Just as not all people we "know" are good...  

The world out there today can be a scary place.  Very scary!  If I watch the news long enough, I would be terrified to leave my house... I am thankful that I was able to read this book.. Not only to Broxton to help try and explain things to him... but as a reminder to me in how I need to approach different subjects!

Let me know, have you had the talk about personal safety?
If so, any pointers?  What age did you first start talking about it? 

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. Sad but true, it is a talk we have to have w/them more than once. What a fun (and probably very effective way) to get the msg. across.


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