Protect Your Ears With #Aqua Ears

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Each day it seems that time is flying by.  Faster and Faster... 
If you are like me, you are trying to enjoy every single second of the summer before it is over.  
The pool is great, but I have a history of bad ears...
That being said, I have to take safety precautions and always use ear plugs. 
This has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember...
With that, I was so happy to see the latest product for kids...  Aqua Ears for children

These are awesome, because not only do they come in characters that our little ones love, they also in a carry case that makes trips to the pool, the beach, cruises and even the bathtub so much easier!  For right around $4 and conveniently located at CVS and Walmart... Don't you think this is worth it to help keep handy to help with your kids ears?

AquaEars for Children is a soft silicone earplug that offers dual protection for water-sensitive ears by sealing out water and reducing ear discomfort due to water pressure.Ideal for swimming and bathing, AquaEars doesn't interfere with normal hearing like other earplugs for water-related activities. The new licensed characters make the earplugs fun while helping to reduce the non-compliance challenge parents might have with children wearing earplugs. AquaEars also have a noise reduction rating of 22, making them perfect for protecting sensitive ears from noise during music events, fireworks shows and more.

Here are some AquaEars bath time tips adapted from the CDC to share with your readers to help with bath time ear protection:
Always dry your ears with a towel after bath and shower time, especially if the head was fully submerged.
Q-tips should never be used without supervision.
Use a hair dryer to move air within the ear canal if your child complains of having water left in their ears.
Ask your health care provider for an appointment if your child feels discomfort, pain or ear drainage.
Ear wax helps protect ears from infections. Don’t try to remove ear wax.
Antibiotics are usually used to treat swimmer’s ear. Protect your child’s ears with AquaEars!
Remember to tilt your child’s head to allow water to exit your their ears.
Safeguard the tub by making sure bath toys remain clean and germ free. Leaky, spongy or wooden toys retain moisture which provides a home for bacteria.


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