Fuzzwippers Make Good Travelers - #DigIntoReading

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We love the Fuzzwippers Books by Marilynn Halas.  
We just received the latest book in the series...  

The Fuzzwippers Make Great Travelers is another awesome book.
In this book, Fuzzany and her friend, Alexandra head to Hawaii.  
The thing I loved most in this book was that it said "new place with new experiences and sights waiting to be explored."  At this point, we were talking about how you should always try new things (including food!)
Fuzzany and Alexandra made new friends in Hawaii and even learned how to surf.  Instead of giving up when the first did not succeed, they tried again... with support from her new friends!
This was a cute book and I loved reading it to Broxton!
As always, the end of the book has the message from the Fuzzwippers:

To help children along with their travels, author Marilynn Halas offers a list of traveler tips, located at the end of the book. They are:
1.      Being a great traveler means being a good listener and a good helper too.  Listen to your friends and family so you will learn all about the new place you are visiting and remember that when we all help each other any trip is easier and more fun.

2.      Different places may have different food, games and sights to see, so take your time and discover each new place and make new friends.  Remember that every place has something special to share with you if you are willing to smile, try and trust.
3.      Try something new and you just might find that you have a great experience and a great story to tell when you get back home.  It might be a kind of fish or maybe learning how to surf, but don’t miss out.  Try and see what you learn about your new place and also see what you will learn about yourself.

4.      Remember that you are a guest in someone else’s home whenever you travel.  Be the kind of visitor you would want to have in your home.  Smile and say Thank you every chance you get.  Gratitude is always the best attitude.


  1. Well you had me at the title. It sounds good rolling off of your tongue. :)


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