Scramble Squares Look Easy- But They Aren't!

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I have recently learned of the coolest puzzle and I just have to share it with you ... 
Have you heard of Scramble Squares?
I saw them at Americas Mart and I thought they looked pretty simple!!!

The Scramble Squares puzzle is a basic 9 square puzzle... 
Or so you think...
Then, you try and complete the puzzle and you realize that it is so much more than just a "basic 9 square puzzle."   I have tried a  few different times to put it together, but have yet to have any luck in completion of it...   It looks like it is so easy to do, but they really aren't...
The great thing is that not only am I having fun... Broxton is too!!

If you and your family enjoy puzzles, check out Scramble Squares!  
They have several themes:  
Frogs, Balloons, Motorcycles, Puppies and more!!!

Make sure to follow Scramble Squares on Facebook.


  1. Im a nanny and I would love to try this with my kids! they love frogs !!

  2. im a nanny and I would love to try with with my kids

  3. I haven't seen them, I'd probably like them though. They used to have plastic puzzles with one piece out and you had to mix them around until you got the right picture. Same concept, yes? Those were fun. :)


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