Really? Twenty Years?! @ChickenSoupSoul Anniversary Book

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Being an avid reader my whole life, I was one of the ones that enjoyed Chicken Soup for the Soul when it came out 20 years ago... I remember my days as a teenager, we would go and "hang out" at the mall for hours... Walking around... Meeting up with friends...  Goofing off... and of course, I would have to stop in the book store to see what all was available.  (Okay, I had to check out the music store too, but this is about the books!)
I am sure I could find some of the original Chicken Soup Books if I look through my "library." I know there is the original... and probably a couple of the teenage ones as well!  
Talk about showing your age... Chicken Soup for the Soul just released their "20th Anniversary Edition" of the original book!  This one also includes 20 new bonus stories to carry us through the next 20 years too!!

The Chicken Soup for the Soul Stories that Changed Your Lives
Twenty years later, Chicken Soup for the Soul and its stories are still changing lives! This special twentieth anniversary collection celebrates the power of storytelling. Readers share their personal, inspiring stories about how a Chicken Soup for the Soul story made a difference in their lives, paired with the life-changing story itself. It's a double dose of inspiration!

On Love
Learning to Love Yourself
On Parenting
On Learning
Living Your Dream
Overcoming Obstacles
Eclectic Wisdom

Did you read the original Chicken Soup for the Soul when it was first released?  


  1. I remember reading the story of how the first book was made (the author's plan). It was a good one. Now there are so many of them! Def. a huge success. :)

  2. I still have so many of these. I'm planning to donate to our library. They are very interesting!

  3. That's kind of awesome. I bought that book and loved it so much. I think I have about 4 more since!

  4. Happy anniversary Chicken Soup for the Soul!


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