Built To Amaze #RinglingATL #makingmemories

The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

While the city of Atlanta was dealing with the crazy winter weather we have been having, the Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey circus was in town!   The opening night was postponed, due to the weather... so that meant that our tickets had to be exchanged for another day.  We luckily were able to go to one of their day time performances and even had the chance to bring a friend along with us!
We have been lucky to go to the circus the past few years and since they come right around Broxton's birthday, we always work that into the celebration week of it all!
This time was no exception and he had  good time.  

I am not sure where Broxton went... but as with every fun event like the circus, we have to buy popcorn.  When you buy a big thing of their popcorn, you get these silly clown glasses this year.. At least at our venue.  This kid was beside me and enjoying the popcorn... Then, he took the mask off and it was BROXTON!!  What?!    

One of my favorite parts of anything is when they present the American Flag.  Maybe it is because I am married to a military man... Maybe it is my patriotism.  Maybe I just love red, white and blue... Or maybe it is all of the above, but at the end of it all, I love seeing her bright colors waving for all to see and most times I will always try and take a photo of her whenever I can.

As with all of the previous Ringling Bros shows, they come out full force, letting us see all of the people that make the show a success and to be honest, after the flag, that is one of my favorite parts... They have pretty much every act of the circus out there in some way or another and although it is busy, it is so exciting and I get so energized.  The bad part of it all was that there was just so much going on, I was not able to get a good photo of it all, but take my word... AWESOME.  

Once the show started, we were entertained with the clowns (that I also saw walking through the stands beforehand taking pictures with fans.)  Mental note - try and get there early, as they open up an hour before to a preshow where you can get down on the circus floor and get up close and personal.  

They had horses and acrobatics and all sorts of spectacular shows going on, but one thing that I was excited for was when they brought out the human cannon.  Broxton was not really sure that they were really going to shoot someone from it, but he was so excited to see that big cannon right there in the middle of it all.   Sure enough, that girl up top slid down there and a few seconds later, she was flying across the place- landing safely to a bunch of cheering!!!

The other act I enjoyed was the Tigers.  There is something about those big cats that makes me smile. Maybe it is because Marc is an LSU Tiger fan?  No- seriously... they are so pretty... yet scary at the same time.    Its like you want to get close to them, but then the fear makes you keep your distance.

We had a good time, but I will admit, when they did intermission... We left.  I am not really sure what it was...  I don't know if Broxton was preoccupied having a friend there, maybe he wanted to play more than watch the show?  Maybe it was because we went to a day time show (when he is normally being active, versus an evening show when he is calming down more.)
Something just did not feel right.  I personally felt it was lot more tame than previous shows...
There seemed to be less going on.
In the past, I said there was just so much going on that it was hard to watch everything at once...   It was literally a "THREE RING CIRCUS" with three events going on at the same time and you had to choose which was more exciting...    This time, it just seemed like a more slower feel to it all.
Yes,I loved ladies doing their show in the air, but it was just really long and seemed to drag on.  That was going on while the horses were doing there bit and after a few minutes, I was sort of over it as well.  

I do wish we had stayed to see the motorcycle act... Or the one where they run on those hamster looking wheels - in the air- while doing flips and what not... but we decided to head on out.
I know those are always so exciting, but I wasn't feeling that great.. the kids were ready to go and play... so, while it was a first time for our friends, Broxton and I had been before and we decided to leave.   

I do wish I had more pictures to show you... but I do hope you enjoy the few I did post.
Don't forget that Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey travel all over... So, they should be headed your way soon.  I am honestly already thrilled that they will be coming back next year.  *Each year brings a new show!!!    While this time wasn't the best for us... I know that I will go again... but will more than likely go at night, as it seems better suited for us!!!   


  1. I have never seen a girl shot out of a cannon. I might go to a show just to see that alone! Awesome. :)

    And your boy looks cute in his popcorn mask. :)

  2. That picture of his face cracks me up! So cute!

    We've went to the circus twice. My boys didn't get excited about it. :( I was hoping they would. It looks like Broxton loved it. I know other kids do as well. I think my boys were expecting Cirque Du Soleil when they went. We have a DVD of that circus. Of course it's different.


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