Looking for Mothers Day or Fathers Day Gift Ideas? @SOLREPUBLIC

FTC Compliant Review Policy:
The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Is gift buying hard for you at times?  I know around here it is really hard for me to figure out gifts for Marc, my parents and my brother...    With Marc, there is really NOTHING he really wants and if it is something he "needs" he normally just buys it as the need arises.
So, when I heard of the SOL REPUBLIC line, I was excited to know that I would be getting a pair for review and I knew that I would be gifting Marc his Fathers Day early!   

The package arrived and I was so excited to have Marc try them out.  To be honest, packaging is very important to me and says a lot about the product - crappy packaging makes me think it will be on the lower end of quality... When the Sol Republic Relays arrived, I knew we were in for a treat!  

Sol Republic Relays - available in several colors to not only let you HEAR great, but for you to look amazing as well!  The colors available include: Black, Black/White, Fluoro Red, Lemon Lime or Horizon Blue.  
The Relays are made for active lifestyles, as you saw on the box... But you might wonder how - well, they are sweat and water resistant!  The sleek design might fool you that you get quality music - but it shouldn't... These small babies pack a punch that is sure to get your adrenaline going, be it in the gym or on the way to work!  
One thing that we both liked?  The Relays are not a "once size fits all" - they include 4 different sizes to make sure you get the fit that is perfect for your ear!  (I recently had a major ear surgery and in doing so, they had to enlarge the canal to my ear- resulting in the fact that one ear has a larger opening now --- no, you can't notice unless you are all up in my ear, but this would be great for me, since normal size ear plugs and what not no longer fit properly!)  Marc tried out and found the size that was most comfortable to him... and then it was over.  All communication was gone as he was totally impressed and had them on for the remainder of the evening!!!
I was able to get his attention to point out that there is a volume control / pause button / microphone built into the wires and once again, he was impressed. We had to play around with him talking on it (I could not tell until he told me he was on the headset)   and listening on it through several different devices!  
As you can see, it has a nice and snug fit. Like I said - Marc really likes them and has used them pretty much daily since he opened his early Fathers Day gift!  

If you are looking for a great gift idea - be it Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Birthday and even Graduation - look no further!  These are sure to be a hit this year - just let your loved ones be the ones to get them BEFORE Christmas!!!


  1. Those look nice. I don't know that my mom would wear them, but Travis would.

  2. I keep hearing about this brand and I'm getting so curious. I'm glad your hubby like them. :)


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