Thinking Thursdays

Okay, so I used to do "Aloha Friday" but it seems that it has died down...
I have random questions of things that run through my head and I am going to start asking a question each week...  Would love to hear your answers!!!!!  
I would also love for you to join in with me... Ask a Question of your own - either here in the comments or on your blog (leave me a link so I can visit and answer)  If it seems that a couple of you start doing this with me, I will totally put up a linky, but for now, I just want to know your thoughts...

Today's Question -
What is your favorite dessert?

My answer - 
I love anything sweet!
It depends, sometimes it has to be chocolate, but other times, it just has to be sweet.  Today, I would say Red Velvet Cake is a must... But that is just because I would love a piece right now!  (or maybe Carrot Cake, I am not picky!


  1. Amaretto Chocolate Cheesecake is my favorite dessert!

  2. Anything with the word "chocolate" involved.

  3. Anything with chocolate! Or banana cream pudding... that stuff is amazing.

  4. Bring on the Pecan Pie :)
    All about it...and now that you mention it, I haven't had it in awhile and want to have some.

  5. I'm with you: anything sweet! I particularly like chocolate and almond.


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