Creative Activities for Small Hands and Big Imaginations #RecipesforPlay

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Image Credit - Amazon
Have a child between the ages of 2-6?  Or do you have (or know)  a child that loves to have fun and age really doesn't matter?  If so, I have a book for you to check out!     We recently received the book Recipes for Play  and just looking at the cover, you know it will be a fun one!  The book starts with a "Letter to Mess"   You know, saying to come visit... but not stay to long :)  Then, as we get to the Table of Contents, you see what all is in store for you!
They have a Sensory Guide, a bit of an  introduction as to "getting started" and they even include a guide as to making your own color dyes!   (Who would have known that to make PINK - use BLUEBERRIES!)
At this point, we move on to all of the fun activities!  
You might be wondering what the difference in each of the area's of play are:
Indoor play will include things such as yogurt paint, mail box, couch play and playdough plus.  
Outdoor play has miniature picnic, window dressing, fairy housing and ice excavation.  
Finally, in Takeaway play we get to experience with measurements, photo book and coin counters!  

What do I like most about this book??  All of the information!
Each page comes with the activity.  (I will tell you about couch play.)
On the page, we get the name of the activity.  We get the "times that are needed:
Set up time - low
Clean up time - low
Mess factor - low.

Then, we get a paragraph about what to do or expect.  (In this particular activity, we lern to let the kids have fun jumping on the cushions off the couch.) I remember doing this at my Nana's house.. and if you touched the ground, it was HOT LAVA!!!!  
I cracked up when it also says "if you're also feeling energetic, this is a great opportunity to vacuum under the couch cushions and fluff them up while you're there."

The page also includes what you will need for the activity and finally it gives you a couple options of how to play.    
We have been busy lately, but I know this will get plenty of use ... especially with cooler temps hopefully headed our way soon!  


  1. I want this! This is a great idea for the kid craft lovers out there. Isaak in particular would love this book.

  2. That's the kind of activity book I loved with my kids. I really, really like how it tells you the clean-up and mess factor right up front.

    PS. Type-A will be in Atlanta again next October. :)

  3. This kind of book is right up our alley! I bet everyone in the house would love it.

  4. This sounds like such a fun book!

  5. I want this! My kids would love it. I think I would to.

  6. I am a retired teacher and this book is exactly the type of book Iove. I think I'll look in to getting it to use with my grandsons.


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