New Kids Books for 2015 From @parragonbooks #Glitterbelle #MuddyPaws

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

With the new year, we get new books to share with you!  

Between Broxton having to read for school, us wanting him to read in general, a couple reading challenges here and there, I am determined to make this happen!    He loves when I read to him and will sit and listen to several books.  I try and take advantage of this, as soon enough, he will be too grown to enjoy this time together!  

As a Parragon Book Buddy, I was sent two new books for January and I wanted to let you know about them.  
Image Credit - Amazon
Muddypaws' Day at the Farm: 
Broxton wants a dog so bad he can't stand it, but we have told him until he can keep the toys (mostly Lego, lego and more lego) off the floor, we can't have a dog, as that would hurt the pup.  Since he knows that will not be happening any time soon, he has taken to reading (or having me read to him) all sorts of books about puppies.  When I saw the Muddypaws book, I knew it was one he would enjoy!  In this book, Muddypaws heads to the farm with Ben.  They got to see Ducks and Pigs and Cows and all the things that go on at a farm,but Ben really just wanted to ride a real tractor!   The adventure really starts when Muddypaws runs off and Ben has to find him!
It was a cute book and I made the comment several times about the dog being dirty, so I was very happy to see that the illustrator even included "muddy paw" prints in the car when they had the ride home!   This is a book that he really enjoyed and of course it got him talking about wanting a dog again!  

Image Credit - Amazon 
Glitterbelle The Sparkliest Princess Ever!
This is not your typical princess story!  Sure, she wears a tiara, but instead of sitting around in a frilly dress drinking tea all day, Glitterbelle would rather be outside riding her scooter and climbing tree's with her best friends!  Glitterbelle starts to question if she is even a real princess because she is so different, but her mom has just the thing to prove to her the truth!  I thought this was a cute book, but the thing that really stood out to me was how they illustrate it.  They make 3d scenes, then add the illustration of the characters into the image.  After that, they photograph it and make it ready to go into the book!  Talk about a way to stand out and be different! I though that was awesome!  

"I received this product from the publisher for free. However, they have not paid me for this review, and they do not exercise any editorial control over my review or anything else on this site."


  1. My son's loving the books coming w/the Happy Meals. He thinks it's a good excuse to go to MickeyD's. He's a smarty, lol, he's trying to play on my love of reading to get him a Happy Meal. ;) This book sound good here!!

  2. We have a Muddy Paws book. Isaak loves that one. I'm not sure if he'd get into the princess one. He might like it because there's gold on the cover.

    1. I meant to add that to the post...
      Broxton really did not get into the Princess one... I say that... He didn't sit down for me to read it to him, he wanted to play.. but I read it out loud to him and held the book up (Like I was reading to a class) and every other page, he would run over and look at the book to see the illustrations going with the story.
      I don't think it is one that we will read often, but it did get his attention from time to time. I know other kids would love it!

  3. Cute books! As a school teacher, these are perfect to add to the shelves or even read aloud!

  4. I remember when the kids loved books from the occasional meal.
    Looks like lots of reading fun!


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