First Birthday Fun #DisneySide

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Do you remember what the theme was for your first birthday party?  (or your kids first birthday party.)  I honestly can not remember what we did for Broxton and I would be lying if I said I remembered what we did for mine, I do know that my first was a Mickey Mouse party, but that is because my mom told me when we got to talking about Disney the other day.
If you read the blog regularly, you know that we LOVE Disney and we have been very blessed to review many books from Disney Publishing.  Well, I was given the chance to host a Disney Party and we were sent a box full of Disney goodies!   As soon as I saw the Mickey Mouse decorations, I knew I wanted to share that special day with a good friend of mine.  She was getting ready to celebrate her daughters first birthday and what better than Mickey and friends to share the day????  
If you follow me on Instagram, you saw a couple photos from the big day, but lets get real... Can you really ever have "too much" Disney?  I think not!!!! 
(Side note, when Marc first returned home from his deployment, we surprised the boys with a trip to Disney!!!  Talk about magic and lots of memories!) 
No matter if you want to make your own cake or cupcake, or buy them already made, you will always find Mickey and Minnie!!!  
Plates, napkins and even cups!
Disney makes it easy for those of us that aren't creative and like to purchase things already handled! 
I thought the Minnie snack cups were just too cute! 
Sweet birthday girl loves her Minnie Mouse! 
How do you show your Disney Side????


  1. Looks like a good party! We love Minnie Mouse, too!

  2. Mica liked Mickey Mouse Clubhouse back in the day. I like some of the classic movies.


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