The Brick Bible- Joseph and the Colorful Coat

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Image Credit - Amazon
Joseph and the Colorful Coat - The Brick Bible for Kids was perfect to give to Broxton.  We all know the obsession my son has with those Lego Bricks!  (He is playing with them now, as I get this ready to post!)  When I saw that they even made these books, I knew that I would want to check one out.  A "brick Bible" sounded perfect for him.  Everyone knows if you talk about something that interests a kid, they will be more likely to pay attention and want to hear about it, so incorporating the love of Lego with telling a Bible story was a very smart idea! 
In this book, we get the Bible story of how Josephs brothers threw him down the well and then decided to sell him...   We see that he is sent to prison... and yes, we see him reuniting with his family.  The catcher is that it is told with Lego Minifigures!  
Broxton enjoyed looking at the book, having me tell him the story and then having me read it to him a few times.  An added bonus in this book is at the end they have around 10 Lego pieces that are hidden in the book, so you get to go back through the book and look for those pieces.  A little " hide and seek" or "I spy" if you will!  (No need to worry, the answers are there in case you can't find them!) 
What Bible Story would you like to see made into a Brick Bible Book?


  1. I didn't know they made biblical ones. Noah's Ark would be cool. Two of every animal. The story of Zacchaeus would be fun to. He could be a wee little man.

  2. We recently found Lego Bible stories on Youtube. I think it's a cool concept!

  3. That's awesome! Definitely agree that telling the stories in a way that interests children is the way to make them stick. It'd be interesting to see Jonah and Whale made into a lego story.

  4. I wish they made sets. My nephews would get into them.

  5. The interesting part of the book is the illustrations

  6. Sounds really cool! Joseph might be the perfect story for this format. Maybe Daniel in the lion's den?

  7. Looks so cool! I would love to get these LEGO sets


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