Fun Hours Ahead with @InRoadToys Play Tape

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.
We have been lucky to review the road tape from In Road Toys in the past.  The great thing is that they offer so much more than just a plain, boring tape!  You can choose from their tape that is "Classic Road" in colors such as Black, Red, Orange and Purple.  It gets better though... You can also choose between Railroad Tape, Trolley Tape and even over grown railroad tape!!!  

We decided to go with Purple Road Tape (*remember, he likes LSU too) and since he has always loved trains, we went with the train tape too! As soon as it arrived, he was excited to play with it, as it is easy for him to put down and play with. Not to mention the fact that it lays flat on the ground, so he doesn't have to clean it up when he is done playing like he does with other tracks..   Lets be real, are you going to let your kids have a train track dead in the middle of the living room floor for days and days, or would you rather them lay out their railroad tape for several days?  (No worries of tripping over things this way!!) 
On this particular day of play, he decided he wanted to go with a train track that crossed over a road.  Then, to add to it, we needed to get the Lego Minifigures out, since there was about to be a parade in town and they had to line up on the road to see the excitement!!!
The best part for us?  He can play for hours, or even just a little bit.  There is less to clean up and his imagination is great for endless activities!   I love that it sticks to carpet, as well as hard floors.  There is no sticky residue and for all of the times we have used it, you can not even tell where it was put down to begin with.  (Did I mention you can pick it up and reposition it if you are not happy with the placement?) 
I think that this would be a great gift to give for trips out of town. (* I mentioned before how we used it on vacation for rainy days, you can make the track on a bed or anything.)  I think this would also be great to take to have on hand at a grandparents house.  It is just a small roll of tape versus big bulky tracks that would have to find storage space.  I even thought about giving some to his teachers.  They have indoor recess on rainy days and have different toy areas for the kids to play in.  This would be great to have on the floor for one of the activity areas!  
We have used this for birthday gifts, Easter basket items, seriously, the happiness it brings is great for any gift giving need!   I think this is a great product and love that it makes my kiddo super happy when we have it on hand!  (Would be great for any rainy summer days ahead!) 
What do you think you would use more, road or train tape?


  1. There's a kid that comes over to play with Isaak. He loves Isaak's Hot Wheels and trains. I know he'd love this tape!

  2. I like that train tape. The imagination spark for that one has great potential! :)

  3. I wonder if this tape would work on wood floors? That's all we have.


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