Take Care of your Skin This Summer with @ceraveskin

FTC Compliant Review Policy:
The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

It is not a secret that Broxton has been dealing with eczema since he was born.  We are lucky that it isn't always an issue, but it does flare up from time to time.  Mostly when it is really cold and his skin gets dried out, or when it is really hot, he gets flare-ups where the knees and elbows bend.  We have tried many products and some work, while others make him scream in pain.  I don't have eczema, so I have no idea what it feels like, but I know that I hate watching him suffer.  We ran out of the product that we had been using and I went to find another.  I could not locate it, so I asked the local pharmacist what they would recommend.  She ended up pointing me to CeraVe and said that it was really great.  I read on the packaging that it was dermatologist recommended.  I ended up buying it (it was on sale) and figured we would give it a try. 
After bath that night, I busted out the CeraVe cream and started putting it on Broxton.  Normally he is crying or saying it burns, but he let me put this on, with no issues.  He actually commented that it felt really good and wanted us to use this on him every night.  Each night as he gets ready for bed, he asks for his cream and we apply it to his arms and legs.  This is the first (that I can remember) that he actually REQUESTS to be put on.  The pack that I bought was actually a combo with 2 jars....  So when we started running low on jar one, he was quick to point out that we needed to go ahead and get another jar, so we would not have an issue in finding it.  When he saw I had a back up jar, he was so excited. 

When we get products for review, he really could care less (unless it is a new toy or something) but when the latest came in... He was so excited! 
We were sent the CeraVe cream that he LOVES and we were also sent their newest product, the hydrocortisone anti-itch cream.  We have not tried it yet, but as soon as I see the eczema flare up, you better believe we will be trying it out! 

CeraVe Moisturizing Cream- for the face and body, delivers vital hydrating ingredients to the skin helping chapped,   cracked,   dry   ski fee renewed   and replenished. MVE® technology provides a controlled release of nourishing essential ceramides, hyaluronic acid, glycerin, water and vitally needed fatty acid esters to the skin, so the moisturizing effects of this cream continue for hours. CeraVe® Moisturizing Cream is non-comedogenic, fragrance-free and absorbs quickly and easily into the skin.

Formulated  with  the  anti-itch  ingredient,  hydrocortisone,  as  well  as  three essential ceramides, hyaluronic acid, and niacinamide,  CeraVe Hydrocortisone Ani-Itch Cream helps relieve itch flare-ups due to eczema while essential ceramides also help to repair and restore the protective skin barrier. It contains Hydrocortisone 1%, the highest strength hydrocortisone available without a prescription to temporarily relieve itching. CeraVe® Hydrocortisone Anti-Itch Cream features Itchshield™ Technology that seals in maximum strength hydrocortisone for 12 hours! Designed for use on the affected area to relieve itch due to minor skin irritation, inflammation and rashes associated with eczema, soaps, detergents, cosmetics, seborrheic, dermatitis and psoriasis. CeraVe® Hydrocortisone Anti- Itch Cream is free of fragrance and contains essential ceramides for extremely dry skin

Make sure you check out the CeraVe website, as of this posting they have a coupon on there for $2 off a product. 


  1. This sounds like a good cream.
    I'm always trying to find something that works great with my skin.

  2. The pediatrician said my son has polaris keratosis (I hope I spelled that right), so his elbows get rough patches sometimes too. I wonder if this moisturizing cream would help.


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